
I was trying to get on sitdiary yesterday but it was down... as usual. It's always down when I need it the most. Yesterday was horrible, it was the first day of ABL at USC and it just sucked. Then when I went to Adams to see Leslie for awhile, I only said 'hi' and then I had to leave =( I wasted a lot of times going up and down the stairs, searching for her. So when I did finally saw her, my mom called my cell and told me I had to go because she had to pick up my brother. Then I came home and just sinked in my chair. And I was going through my caller ID, looking at who called and saw Betty's number. So she called, said she was bored and then we decided to go to the library to volunteer. And that we did =) I was cutting up a bunch of papers and damn, like she said, it was ridiculous because he wanted a little space left and it was precise and she tried to help me, but she messed it up!!! And then we saw this little girl and at first, I thought there was something wrong with her mentally but then it seemed like she was possessed. I was so scared, I'm not even trying to be mean or like make a joke. I was really scared and then, we went to go buy my Sprite and we ate and went to Alpine but a certain somebody that I usually stalk wasn't there. Only that little bitch was. Well, I don't really care anymore. I'm becoming mature I think =) And then I came home and went on AIM and I was deadly bored. And there wasn't anyone interesting to talk to. I realize, the only reason for AIM nowadays is to converse with Sergio or Minh. And Minh is long gone for this program so I won't see him online for 6 or 7 weeks and I was so bored. And then I saw Sergio get online and we talked and it made me happy and definitely cheered me up =) And he's so nice, he scanned me the notes and handouts I missed at the AP workshop! Yeah, the little girl still creeps me out. And then today... I went to USC. Came home, went to library to volunteer and then here I am, sitting in front of the computer screen in the library and can you believe they only give us 15 minutes on the computer? But I think I can use that 15 minutes to type this entry, which seems to go on forever. And if you're still reading, I'm shocked and I love you =] Haha.
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