
spring break wasn't all that great. i had plans -- great plans, but the weather (and sergio) killed it all. monday. watched a marathon of beyond belief and suffered from hallucinations the following night. tuesday. it was my 5-month w/ sergio but unfortunately, we could not see eachother and that saddened me but i got over it. wednes. for the first time i drove... ooh freakyyyy. in addition, for the 1st time i took the mta bus all by myself =) mark this moment in history. anyways, i got off at the wrong stop and kinda got lost but eventually found my way. and i saw sergio =) & then we went to troy's. and we rode w/ me back so i didn't have to go by myself =) thurs. oh i can't remember... friday well first of all i went to the dentist >.< i am frickin scared of the dentist. and afterwards i discovered there was blood splattered all over my face. ewww. but then i went home and then the family went out to eat and i finally got to eat pad thai. saturday i saw sergio on saturday! i was actually hoping to see him more than 2x throughout spring break but eh. we went to troy's and then this hill place and oh yes baby ;) then we waited forever for the dash and went to another bus stop and went back home. sunday the only exciting thing i ever did this whole damn spring break. i went to universal studios. it was okay. in a way, it was kinda of a disappointment but some of the attractions were fun. i spent the whole day there. monday [[yesterday]] i somehow knew something was gonna happen. i got a bad feeling ever since 3 in the morning w/ that weird dream... and then there were just signs and i have gut feelings and i'm an intuitive person so i trust those gut feelings.
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