
1. Name: Kristina 2. Birthday: June 23rd 3. Location: California 4. School/Mascot/Colors: DBM/Suns/Green&Yellow 5. Zodiac: Cancer 6. Shoe Size: =/ 7. Height: 5'2 8. Pets: None. 9. Siblings: 1 sister, 1 brother. 10. Eye color: Dark brown 11. Hair color: Black 13. Hobbies: STUFF =] 14. Nicknames: Kris, Tina 15. What languages do you speak? English, broken Chinese, teeny teeny bit Spanish [thanks to Span1, Span2, & Span3 classes] 16. Do you play sports? Tennis 17. Where were you born? Here. 18. Are you a night or a morning person? More like evening. 19. Are you ticklish? Can be. 20. Do you believe in God? Agnostic as of the moment. Personal: 21. What are you thinking? My stomach hurts. It's late. I'm kind of sleepy. 22. What do you want to do after high school? Go to college. 23. What do you want to be when you grow up? Not quite so sure yet. 24. What was the worst day of your life? I've had several. 25. What is your most embarrassing story? Eek, I've had several of those too! 26. What has been the best day of your life? Some days in 2004. 27. What comes first in your life? Depends. It can be me/friends/family/school. 28. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? Maybe. 29. What are you most scared of? I don't know, I have several fears. 30. What fascinates you? Someone going out of their way for me. 31. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Usually a certain person. Favorites: 32. Movie: 10 Things I Hate About You 33. Song: Currently, "In The Bathroom Is Where I Want You" by Nightmare of You. 34. Band/Group: I have too many. 35. Store: Hmm, I can't possibly choose. 36. Relative: Um, my sister/mom/brother...? 37. Sport: Running's a bitch but I like it sometimes. Tennis can be fun but my coach made it hell. 38. Vacation Spot: Someplace relaxing. 39. Ice cream flavor: Chocolate. 40. Fruit: Apples... bananas...? 41. Candy: Don't know. 42. Car: Don't care for those. 43. Class: Digital Imaging Productions because it's reallllll fun. 44. Holiday: Xmas 45. Day of the Week: Friday 46. Color: Blue 47. Magazine: Cosmopolitan 48. Name for a Girl: Alyssa 49. Name for a Boy: - In the Past 24 Hours have You 50. Had a serious talk? Sort of. 51. Hugged someone? Liz! 52. Fought with a friend? No 53. Cried? Don't think so, no. 54. Laughed? 'Course. 55. Made someone laugh? Yeah 56. Bought something? Yep. 57. Cut your hair? Nope 58. Felt stupid? Probably 59. talked to/thought about someone you love? Kinda. 60. Missed someone? Always. Do You 61. Like to give hugs? Yes 62. Like to walk in the rain? Sometimes 63. Sleep with or without clothes on? Depends on the weather. 64. Prefer black or blue pens? Black 65. Dress up on Halloween? No, I've always wanted to. 66. Have a job? No. 67. Like to travel? Sure 68. Like someone? Possibly 69. Sleep on your side, tummy or back? It varies. 70. Have stuffed animals? Somewhere. 71. Drink or use drugs? Yep What do you think about: 72. George Bush: I can be a better prez than that. 73. Gay Marriage: Why are we preventing two people from loving eachother and wanting to be together? Merely due to their gender? We used to think of interracial relationships in this perspective, look at how ridiculous that'd be now. 74. Smoking: Destroying lungs, fine with me. Just don't smoke around me because you won't screw me over with secondhand smoking. 75. Eating Disorders: All the media & society's fault. 76. Rap: Some rap are good rap. 77. Suicide: Troubled minds, or tortured lives. 78. Summer: Fun, relaxing, ohhh yeahhhh.. 79. Tattoos: Cool =) 80. Piercing: Superb =) 81. Make-up: Can be fun. 82. Rings: Prettyyyy Misc: 83. Do you like school? It's okay 84. Do most of your friends? Uh. No? 85. Do most of your friends go to your school? No. 86. ? 87. When you like someone, do you tell them right away? No 88. Do you wait for signs? Not really, sometimes. 89. Drugs taken illegally? Um, yes? 90) I consider my enemies? ...stupid. 91. Times my name has appeared in the newspaper? Couple in corporation's newsletter/newspaper/thingy or school newspaper. 92. Scars on my body? TWO. 93. Things in my past that I regret? Several 94. What's your opinion on drugs? Fun 95. Being truthful? Good but not always. 96. Do you like to gaze into the stars when it's cold at night? Yes 97. What's the picture on your desktop? Stars... 98. Listening to anything right now? The clickity-clackity of this obnoxious keyboard. 99. Give me a lyric from the song? "Just to see your body in a place so tacky" 100. How do you think you'll die? Don't wish to think about it.
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