writers blockade up my ass

Listening to: fall out boy
I've had writers block for years, and just haven't had the will or intention to write so much lately, i've been busy with life and such. BUt anyways, back to the entry... So here’s the thing- I’m not so sure about something I did, or things I did or whatever happened then and is haunting me now. No one really knows except those there to witness but don’t know me well enough to judge. Do I let it go, or am I supposed to tell my closest of friends? I’m not sure if I’m obligated to let this show, or if maybe I could let it go. [enter jeopardy theme song here] It’s funny how now I have so much weighing heavy on my mind, when back then it was nothing to me just something you do at the time. Actually I take that back, sometimes it doesn’t bother me at all- but then that’s only when I think I don’t have to tell anyone else about it. But yet once again I am brought back to reality. Is it lying if you don’t tell? Or just lying if they ask you about it and you say ‘nothing happened, at least not like that.’ Maybe its not even worth the stress and isn’t even bad at all - maybe people do this shit all the time, who am I to say. I NEED TO WORK ON MY pAper! GET BACK TO WORK CHAD!!!!!
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i love you.
Hey! Chad, dont stress anything my skittle brotha, think of everything as "it seemed like the thing to do at the time" as long as it was cool then, its all good. Remember that, and you dont have to tell anyone anything that you dont want to. Love ya bunches!
what's that homes?
Chad, dude ur the coolest bestest person in the whole wide world! I hope u have a good time on your winter break and you better have a good Christmas... and remember this... EVE LOVES YA!!!!! Be good!
iu hope you feel better turbo! i love ya!
keep writing! *shakes fist* it's so beautiful!! <3 Sabrina <3

oops. i saw "chadwrites" on the message board, and then as a comment on a friend's diary. sorry thats all. drop me a line or somethin
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him