A hospital bed is the worst place for a thinking chair.

Listening to: suburban legends
You’d wonder what such white walls would do day in and day out. They only leave me in this bed to think these thoughts until they’re tired out, and I’m tired of thinking too hard about the things that confuse me. It’s too destructive of a thing to leave me alone with my thoughts for all too long, to leave me alone sedated with my thoughts flowing against the back of my eye lids. They went something like this, along the lines you left your card and I tried so hard to listen to what you said, you just held my hand ....and this is where all the thoughts eroded and began to fall in. I can’t stand it, because I just think back to a thanksgiving day- back one year ago- back to my car- back to the back seat , so remember that? My memories so jaded, maybe I’m so heavily sedated I’m thinking best friends means friends forever, and rings mean things that go on never end. If I could I’d take all my jumbled thoughts and straighten them out so I could possibly put some reason to anything I’m thinking.... I’d try and explain what I meant to say when I said the wrong thing.
Read 6 comments
thanks very much:)
now this is weird...they are up again...
*laughs a little* i now understand what your writing about now that i read your previous entry about you being in the hospital (sorry to hear) hope you feel better *hugs*
Blah.. i really hate being a teen.. wish i could just skip ahead a few years or maybe go back to being a kid again.
Thanks for everything though
I'm feelin a little better now knowing theres people out there that feel for me...
take care <3

where is california do u live...i live in lake isabella..u might not of heard of it...
well i'm very very thrilled that you are back, and safe. i was really worried. anyway you didnt miss much of anything, my dog died, i went to the beach at 10 pm the other night and just sat there... kind of depressing but so is losing your best friend, even if she was a dog.
aww thanks, you are sweet. but i must say, i think it's more like you are the coolest, not silly little me.
well, anyway, thanks for writing me a nice comment though, it was appreciated.