
Feeling: serious
im soo sad...I WANT A FUKIN BOYFRIEND :'(...i want to be loved..it sounded stupid but its true..i want someone to call just to say i miss u..or someone to look at me as if i was the most beautuful girl in the world..(i know im not though im awfully ugly..!!) i want someone to kiss and hug and laugh with...and named beto=( haha no just kidding..but shit..its like everything would be perfect if i had a boyfriend...everyone tells me like noo wait someone will arrive..but fuck im tired of waiting..! i am like the boys friend ...that was friggin awsome but im tired of it now...i want a boy to love me as sumthin else not as a friend!!
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oh and thats my girlfriend...be carefull she bitched razorbladedeath out for saying im hott...shes not mean but i dunno she just did lol...and i was just kidding you dont have to be carefull...i hope lol
whats that supossed to mean "im scary"?and what do you mean glad you cant?answer?
oh and its ok i was just kidding she wont rip your head off unless you call me hun or hit on me alot lol...razorblade didnt know either for awhile
what do you mean correct answer
im sry you dont have a boy friend..
i dont have one..
your not ugly
Ya I can understand your craving. I mean sometimes having guys as friends only does so much. But listen right now you believe you need a guy to be happy, in a way you do I mean you don't need one right now ( loving wise) Because girls want that and when they get it, they get awhole lot more shit than they asked for. Even getting the greatest things in life, don't come for free. They come at a price. You don't need a guy to be happy....
lol as I was saying.. Guys you'll find them truely later on. Sure it would be great to be loved, but with relationships now they crash and burn. I mean let a guy come to you if anything, instead of searching for one. You don't need those fruits!You need yourself, friends and realize those things someday you'll get later when you truely need them. Just believe me, I thought I needed a guy. Ha, ended up with more than I could handle.