sea of tears

Listening to: duelo-un adios
Feeling: alone
somethings happening to me...i cant stop crying...i havent stopped crying all day long. i know its not ben, i mean i miss him and i regret that nothing happened because of me, and i wish ihad talked more to him and stuff, but i know its not the end of the world, i know someday or ill forget him or we will have something...but its everything...i hate this city...i hate it its all about how u dress and how u look and whats ur last name and who u hang out with and what zone do u live in...i hate it everyone is so life is so insignificant here... i cant stop crying i swear my eyes are burning now... gosh why didnt i jump to the sea at the ship...that wouldve been easier...everything is so the cruise i was like disconnected from the world and i cried only like twice...but here its like im in fuckin problemland....and i dont have anyone to talk to and tell me everythings gonna be alright and tell me they love me...i guess i imagined ben could be that one..the problem is i only saw him like a week in my whole life and im not gonna see him ever again and he probably doesnt give a shit about me im crying over someone that lives thousands of miles apart and probably doesnt remember me isnt that pathetic? and i cant even cry comfortably cuz my mom hates it when i cry and she gets paranoic and gets me so i have to be crying silently...god take me please....or give me something to live for... IF SOMEONE LIVES IN REDDING, CALIFORNIA PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Read 6 comments
last year i had my summer love, and he went back to france and never called me like he said he would. :(. But i hope it works out for you two!
i havent talked to yew in a while..
i have been out of town....
how is yewr life..??
i found out that i love sex..

i'm cool i guess
good thanks.

im always in need of being commented
I dont live anywhere near you but I completely agree with the what you wear, who your friends are, last name...etc. It's the *SAME* exact way in the crappy little town I live in. I hope you feel better!!
Oh god...LOL my family sucks. the only person i can stand is my dad, and I don't live with him. My boyfriend is the only person that keeps me going. I live in the same town as Magster27. she's cool beans. You seem cool too..Just sounds like you're going thru a rough time. i'm 18 and just graduated from HS...Been there done that. When you think it wont get any better, believe me, it will. If you need to talk you know where to find me. xoxo