12:33 Saturday Afternoon   Zombie Shooter and Target Practice I didn't even write about the social! It was fantabulous. The music sucked but I got to play with the Eye Toy set up and i boxed cartoon characters. I kicked some of their asses! and then the big one smashed me. I was smashed by a cartoon character. I freak danced with Scott and Arina. I met Scott's boyfriend--he was cute. Caleb and I demo-ed swing dancing (but not very well). Went home around 10:45, got to sleep around 11:30, and then had to wake up the next morning at 7. eeew. School on friday was pretty good. The usual, except that in maths, there was no simon and marko so HURRAY...Ira sat by me and distracted me with fun conversation not "aaah you say things funny" conversation. I made him a Mobius strip. because Mobius strips are cool and mathematical. And in english we got chocolate cake. Yay for chocolate cake fridays! Arina and I went downtown straight after school, she was smart and brought a change of clothes. I had to go in my uniform. We went to Alice and got the Zombie movies (Brain Dead by Peter Jackson-yay for zombie kiwi flicks, and Dawn of the Dead new one because it's so good haha). We had really cool conversations about God and accents and school and all sorts of awesome. She's soooo cool. She's about the closest thing i have to a best girl friend in nz. woohoo. Then went home and did some minor cleaning, shaved my legs, prettified myself. Blew up more balloons. Miraculously, Shawnie called for Chelsea and Chelsea went to Shawnie's for a sleepover. We picked up Nik and Nik and I hung out and bopped baloons to each other. Then Simon and Zeb came round and we all decided the balloons were racist--there were more white balloons than any other colour and only one black balloon and teal balloon. Arina and Geniesa arrived and that was jolly. the six of us played with balloons, blowing more up. Simon wanted to blow one up until it exploded so i made him go outside. We watched him, it was so funny. He got it huge and then he was like "*breathes hard* Aaah it's shoving air back into my lungs!" then it exploded. Then Simon said his ears were ringing, and i just couldn't figure out why. :P Caleb came round next with games so we all played board games, Laura came and played, and then Andrew and Vetti showed up so I told everyone that there was food if they wanted it in the dining area and then we started up the zombieniss. We watched Braindead first. it was incredibly gory and long, but it had it's good moments. The zombies were really weird. And it's copyright 1992 so the graphics were pretty mediocre compared to what we're used to so it was interesting enough. The rat monkey was pretty cool. Then I opened presents. I have pictures! I got my present from Nik on my actual birthday. Same with James (he wasn't at the party, but he gave me a pick for his guitar and signed it because he's in powershred and all. it's cool). I opened Simon's gift first. He was getting food when i picked it up so i put it back down again but apparently he could see so he was like "hey! hey come on! open it!" haha he didn't even use tape. it was such a shoddy wrapping job. go simon. I ate the head off the easter bunny. :D The card says "...and enjoy! Happy birthday" and in simon's handwriting it says "Teresa!!11oneone good effort 17 already! from simon" and yes, that is a new zealand $20 bill. it's cool. i know you're jealous that the money here is cooler than american cash. Andrew, Vetti, and Laura gave me candy. I have a lot of candy. Then I opened Zeb's present. Hehehehee. go the zombieness. The thing that says "zombie" on it actually says "Zombie Shooter" but you can't really see the shooter part. Also, the magic trick thingy has a zombie head, for target practice, so it's awesome. go random $2 toys! Caleb's present was sweet. Aw he knew that i love licorice so he got me some. He put so much more effort into my birhtday than i did to his. and some random ball thing that I have no idea what it is. Then we started watching Dawn of the Dead but Laura had to leave. Aww. Dawn of the Dead is such a great movie, haha. Unfortunately, partway through the movie we had an unwelcome visitor. I reckon he was in it for the cake. Or she. Anyway, out of the corner of my eye while I was watching people shoot zombies, I saw this thing crawling and I was like "OMG MONSTER SPIDER" in my head. so I smacked it, instinctively. usually i'd freak out and not touch it. but I was just in killing mood from the movie i guess (bad thing, violence will lead me to shoot things later, i'm sure). So it was all curled up in this huge spider ball, and I put a glass over it because it was so scary. Then it unfurled and started sluggishly crawling around the perimeter of the glass. ooooooh ew. So i brought it to everyone's attention. I asked for the lights to be turned on but they made me wait for some part of the movie to be over on the basis that "Geez, Teresa, it's in the cup and it can't get out." The boys all thought it was , omg, so cool. Arina even took a picture of it with her phone. I made them take it outside. Yvetti and I were so freaked out. Mum came in to see what the commotion was all about and Simon was like "Don't you guys have huge ass spiders in america?" and mum told the story of that time when daddy rescued a tarantula from the middle of the road and put it in the back seat and scared mum half to death which caused daddy to almost lose control of the car. Then we had cake!! We continued watching the movie while we at our cake, and Genie and Arina left shortly afterwards. I can't remember if they missed one of my favourite parts of the Dawn of the Dead. It's probably one of the most memorable moments in the movie for me. CJ's in the cell with his little security buddy (who is asleep) reading the girl magazine and he's like "haha get this, the top 10 markes ofa good relationship...number 10. No, I'll skip to the top three. 'he listens to me.' 'He tells me he loves me.' and get this, number one is...number one is... *looks at sleeping guy* oh well number one is trust." and it's so anticlamatic. you think it's gonna be something funny or random but it's just normal. And he's so affected by it. it's such a cool moment in the movie. yay for fictional characters in zombie movies. When the movie was over everyone who was still there left, except Caleb, who helped me clean up dishes. It was around midnight. 11:45 or so. He ended up staying until 4. Yes, we made out a bit. It was nice. It was sexy. And I was the one who stopped, it was like 1:30 a.m. and we were done watching tv and wow, making out is so fun and everything. but i like him so much that I actually prefer talking to him and cuddling than kissing (which, believe you me, is amazing). Maybe it's special. And maybe it's not. Only time will tell. Dad is kind of iffy on the whole me rejoining swimteam thing. He wants me to "carefully" think about it. Because beaver mountain passes are going on sale soon and if I'm on swim there's like, no point for me to get a pass because apparently skiing is illegalified which has dire consequences for being caught, which is TOTALLY DUMB. I hope that Chelsea was exaggerating, because it's really really uncool for swim team to stipulate what we can and can't do outside of actually swimming. Eating I sort of understand but, seriously, 200 pushups for a dr pepper is pretty dumb too. and I know from experience that the 200 pushups for getting caught with a soda is enforced, maybe it's not as crazy to think that the whole ski thing is too. but that doesn't make it any less ridiculous. I want to be on the team SO bad, but with calculus and physics and chemistry and the college english and college humanities and waking up early a lot and having to compete... I really don't mind waking up early. I love getting to swim at 5 a.m. until 7, strange as it sounds and as grumpy as i can be. I don't like competing though. I hate the adrenaline. I hate constantly losing. It's not that I care, it's just that it seems so degrading. I like swimming, i like being fit and strong and awesome and disciplined, i just hate competing and having my life actually controlled by team stipulations. Are the other sports not allowed to ski?....oh man. This is such a difficult descision. If I don't swim I'll be able to have a life and maybe concentrate on my studies more and be on key club and do ballet lessons, but I won't be disciplined and I won't get to see my swimming chums all the time and I won't feel a part of them when I do see them and oooh man. This is difficult. Think of when I have to make decisions that will hugely affect the rest of my life. Oh well, I need to head down to the shops and get laura something for her bday bbq. yay for alliteration!
Read 6 comments
Wow it's your birthday! Happy day-ness!

Glad to see you're doing good :)

Mike xoxox
My freshman and sophmore year coach specifically told me that during season he didnt want me to go snowboarding so I put forth 10x the effort to go any chance I could get and make sure he found out about it every time I did. The best part was I always loved it when I would go boarding and miss practice and when he would ask I told him that I was boarding. If he would of tried to punish me I would of just got in his face again.
I hate it when coaches try to controll you outside of practice and matches and stuff. Its total bullshit they really shouldnt be able to do that god it makes me pissed off just thinking about it. If you think about it they can't kick you off the team for doing it because they cant have controll of what you do outside the sport just like teachers cant controll you outside the school. Bastard sports coaches.
Sounds so exciting and oh so not fair that I couldnt come. I wanted you so badly at my party too, maybe you would of danced with me-not like the other junior's who were too 'old' for my party. *wrinkles nose* macking out sure sounds delicious. but, for me, maybe later. I like the sound of that scott guy's gay boyfriend.
I hope you don't die out there. and I hope you can make up your mind about swim team!
happy birthday! (which i'm guessing i'm telling you late....sorry).

Your presents look like they're fun. I hope they turn out superb.

Deciding whether to swim or not is tough choice. And there always seems to be an equal about of pros and cons.

Good luck with that.
I wish i was exaggeratng about the whole skiing thing, but I'm not. I'm sure that you'll figure it out. Teresa's hott!