7:28 Early Tuesday Evening   Game Shows and Granola Cereal I turned the snooze alarm on at least 4 times this morning. I truly did not want to get up. I did get up, though, I went to work ...for like a few seconds...then Dad and I went to have tea with Duarte on campus. They sat there talking about whatever it is professors talk about for ages, which is quite interesting actually...just not memorable. University Politics. Yay. I've got all my textbooks now, I'm ready to be a freshman! like, omigod, i so totally can't wait. You know, one of the things I appreciate most about our relationship is how quickly our few upsets get resolved. Communication is awesome; if people would talk about why they are upset, i think a lot of the world's problems would be ... a lot less problematic. maybe also if we would stop letting nutjobs take positions of extreme power. I've also noticed that when i do something nice for someone I'm angry at, i feel better. so even though i was a bit peeved at him, I wrote him an e-mail detailing why, and then i wrote some nice things to him, and spent some time thinking about what i could make/write for him as our 2nd anniversary gift. hmmm. I'm thinking i should finish that letter i started, coupled with a steamy love note or two, and maybe take some pictures of situations i wish i could share with him (beautiful sunsets, park swings, etc.)... It's not just him, either. When i'm annoyed with chelsea, if i do something nice for her, i often feel a lot less annoyed. the hard part is getting just enough not annoyed to do something nice. :P But hopefully now with this amazing revelation, i'll be able to do it better.
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