Listening to: Ben Folds(Fired)
Feeling: better
8:51 Saturday Night   I Need to Pop In maybe a movie. I'm a romantic, I think. I really like the idea that there's someone out there whose hand fits mine perfectly, and that person is my soulmate. Because our hands meld together. And you just have to trust your instinct. This is a nice change from the thoughts i've been having lately. But most of today was really crappy. and i do mean really. maybe not for me personally, but to me. she's regressing She and I went shopping today...I should be a better person, and listen to what she has to say about what she's doing, but I just...i think it's wrong. she needs to check into a hospital. She really does. She isn't...ready for life. But we went to the thrift store and i tried on 5 black turtlenecks to try and find one to wear on open mic poetry reading day, i'm gonna take my huge mug of coffee and set it on the stool next to me and maybe have a paper "cigarette" I found a turtleneck that is suitable enough, so i'll wear that and my work pants. I'm pretty excited. I wrote a great bad poem to read for it. I was going to call Sara this morning and ask her to Girl's Choice, but then i had too many chores and got distracted, and she wrote that she wanted to be alone so... it would have been fun, though. i could have worn a suit. and she could have gotten all pretty. oh well. maybe some other time. I've been really depressed today. like hi, here's the world, and it sucks. and I feel like my life sucks though I know that's a stupid thing to say; i have a great life. parents who love me and care for me and feed me and put a roof over my head. Parents who do MORE than just feed me and put a roof over my head, but do their best to ensure my happiness. seriously. I have some pretty good friends. sure most of them live far away, but with today's technology, i can talk to them all the time for cheap! I'm getting a good education, and I can read. I have wonderful teachers and I have a job that pays pretty good even if i don't work all that much, it's a good high school job. i don't know. but i've been depressed today. my life might not suck but seriously. here's the world, and it sucks. Here are your politicians, and they're corrupt. Here's your walmart, but behind walmart, those are your sweatshops. And we have no idea. no. idea.
Read 3 comments
lol. I giggled with glee because of the car. I liked it...yes.. But I hope you have better days since this one was crappy. :)
i think the reason you think your friends are annoying is probably because they are. i mean i have like n5470285402 annoying friends.

only like 3 of them arent annoying.

so i dont think its your fault. per se.
I found someone my hand fitted perfectly.

He's my best friend.