11:53 Saturday Morning   Did You Just Get In? Yesterday was pretty fun. I got up sometime around 1:30 pm, had breakfast and played a game until about 2:30, then texted Zeb and went to Uni with Caleb, distracted Caleb and Wendy, hung out with zeb for a few minutes... um. figured out the night's plan, texted Tom, went home, ate, went to Zeb's (after watching Futurama),played a few rounds of DDR. yeah. Then we played Apples to Apples with his oldest brother and his oldest brother's friends. It was really fun. I won the first game, and lost horribly the second. Then Tom, Zeb, and I went to the uni bar. It sucked so we bussed into town and played at the Coyote. We texted Wendy to gloat about our having of grand times at the bar she wanted to go to tonight if she hadn't been studying, and she suggested one of us order a cookiemonster cocktail. So I went up and ordered one, just to see what it was. it looked really good; strawberry licquer, Kahlua, and Bailey's on top. Then a guy came to the bar and saw my drink and thought it was for him, and drank it. They couldn't even make me another one because apparently they had just run out of the stuff that they put on top (something cinnamon?) that helps the flame go big when they light it on fire. :( But the guy who drank my cookie monster felt really bad and bought my next drink, a mudslide. Never saw him again. But I didn't have to pay for my drink, which is always a plus. Zeb and I did some dancing, but Tom's not really interested in that sort of behaviour so he did not partake of the fun. we left around 1, decided to go home around 1:30, then walked from town to riccarton. it was a good hour-long stroll. The air was putrid; yay for smog. There was a fish and chips shop still open (hurray!!! my favourite one!) and we all got donuts and zeb got a scoop of chips. There was this very drunk boy in the shop, he went on this drunken ramble to me like, "Where'd you go tonight? Coyote, is that a yank bar? [It was mostly Asian] I don't much care for Asians. OH SH**. I didn't mean to say that! you're a yank, eh? I want to go to america someday, blah blah blah, what are you doing here? OE? etc. etc." He was hilarious. So I got in at around 2:30, then woke up this morning at 9:20. I didn't mean to, but my alarm went off, and right after i turned it off and went back into bed, Laura texted me, so I thought I'd just get up. yay for me. okay I'm done now, i just wanted to write that. I remember when I was 13. I hated it so much. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Read 8 comments
Thank you for the comment.. you're sweet.
that sort of behaviour indeed, is silly. :P I swear im more entertaining after a few more... (drunk=expensive=bad). Therefore i propose we become intoxicated on tea tomorrow. It shall be grand.
Hello Teresa!! How have you been? I haven't been able to get on here for a long time so I haven't been able to talk to you! I &hearts you!
oh wow. i haven't read your journal for like, a million and ten years!!! you put the belly back up!! sexeh belleh!!!
good to read that you're having such a good time, enjoyin' life and whatnot!
catchya later
xxx : P
That photo is really lovely.
I miss you too!! Are you back in New Zealand?
I miss the days when I commented you more than anyone else. How are you these days? Anything big happened or happening in your life?
Erm, I haven't really been up to much. Y'know, school, stuff, the usual. I'm glad that you went home though. How was seeing Caleb?