Feeling: speechless
10:07 Monday Morning   I can't wait to run away Every day i get up excited for the day. Just because of an e-mail. ----------------- 9:34 p.m. I went out to dinner with my grandparents. It was fun. Grandma bought me new clothes. pants for work and a cute new shirt. yay. Yesterday I went to church, ate lunch, looked at my miniscule paycheque, slept, and looked at old photos. Saturday afternoon I went on errands. It has not been the most exciting weekend ever. I cleaned today though. yay cleaning. As soon as everything's cleaned completely, I can move my computer out into the hall. yay. goal. ----------------- 10:57 p.m. Dad said I can work for him tomorrow morning. sweet. moneymoneymoney. Tomorrow night is the much awaited for phone call. I got one less than a month ago and yet i'm still sitting here looking forward to tomorrow night like nothing else. It makes me want to cry so hard I laugh.
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teresa you are a nerd. not because you wake up hoping for an email but because mondays are your favourite days. but its ok. i still love you. mkwaa!
You're so cute :]
awww...how cute!!!!
do you advertise yourself for sex
we think that being lonely is a bad thing, but we really look forward to our "alone time".

hope you have a good life kid.
I give you the grand prize of knowing that you're the only one to pay that much attention to me!

I was waiting for someone to understand that, but it took a while, eh?

Thanks for noticing and having keen eyes and an open heart and mind.

Would it be alright if we became friends?

Ooooh. I want a cute new shirt.

And some new shoes for work!
There isnt much of a difference :] jk
oh...dear teresa's in love. I'm happy that you have such an amazing boy. It's good that he's treating you so well. I love you!