9:05 Mid Sunday Morning   I'm No Frood - I don't know where my Towel is I woke up last night in an almost cough. I was afraid because I do wake up on occasion in the middle of the night wheezing and coughing and never being able to rid myself of whatever it is making me cough until I cough myself to sleep. It's the coughs that scare me. I know they are harmless but there is something about sounding like an empty aerosol can that really bothers me. Anyway. I foolishly said I'd go to church this morning. Not, of course, that church is foolish...but I could have slept in. I could go to Nightchurch instead with "The Gang." But I don't know if I can handle "The Gang minus Zeb" at the moment. Still. the extra sleep would have been nice.
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*sigh, neither. - tom
mm extra sleep.

I'm more hardcore than you, because I went to church twice last sunday =P

yay, i have my sitd again...sad really..