Feeling: loved
7:53 Tuesday Night   Mint Chocolate Dream I am eating ice cream. It is about 4 times more expensive than regular ice cream. it tastes really good. possibly 4 times as good as regular ice cream. but ice cream isn't worth that much. Plus also it's probably 4 times fattier....not that i really care but i can use it as an excuse to myself not to buy it. I am done eating this expensive ice cream. It has left soft brown and pale green swirled together on the bottom of my bowl. it looks very pretty...although I don't really like colours...especially green. They're nice in nature, but I'd be happy if everything synthetic was black and white...and maybe red. Red is the most beautiful colour. Sunday evening, Caleb's family came over for tea. I took an iq test. It was very dumb. I thought about some of them for a while, and then i picked "true" for the rest of them and got 123 iq. It's quite pathetic. It means I'm brainy for being impatient and realising that most of the answers are "true" which is why i got such a high score on my "patterns." Monday was a bad day, i think, until I went to Caleb's. First, in photo, it took me ages and ages to get my film on the reel. It was frustrating because it usually takes me 3 seconds. I just couldn't get the top bit into the reel, but once i got it in, the rest was easy. This photography system works soooo much better than the one at home. Their reels are soooo much nicer and the chemicals they use work so much quicker...But anyway. Geniesa got our reels into the light safe container, and then found out that we were completely out of developer. This disappointed me greatly as I wanted very much to print those pictures the next day. The teacher told us she'd get more developer after school and I said I'd come in first period and develop. Then class was over and I went to Tech. Greg referred me to Hell for making fun of him. hehe. I used the referral slip for a bookmark. Michael and Greg talked about me having a goodbye party with lots of alcohol. They went to Caleb during interval and told him he should throw me a goodbye party with lots of alcohol. So then that somehow got spread around that i was having a goodbye party. thankfully no one's expecting alcohol cos I'll kick anyone's ass who brings it. raaah. *transforms into raaah teresa* In chemistry i didn't do anything but a test, but it wasn't bad because i didn't care about whether or not i passed it and it also meant i didn't have to pay attention to learning new things. :) I wonder what it is about learning...Why do we hate it so much? Why is thinking so hard? Why am I so lazy?! At lunch Caleb asked me if I wanted to go with him and James and Marko on grounds duty. I found a fairy ring!!! I didn't know they existed! It was a giant circle of little grey mushrooms! A full circle! It was so amazing! It was the most exciting bit of lunch...Nature is so awesome. Art was quite sad. I taught a girl in my class how to make screen prints, but I couldn't find my own screen prints, so I couldn't work on them. It was driving me crazy, I looked everywhere. I went to the teacher and asked her if she had put them somewhere and she was like "no...that's funny, where could they ahve gone? maybe the student teacher knows where they are. I'll contact her today." :( it made me sad. It ruined my whole school day. Maths was good, I did proofs and learned the product rule and the adding rules. Then I left. Ira and I talked about what if hugs were like a death threat on alien planets, and it was the kind of thing you totally had to do the actions for, like hugging and then stabbing...I don't know. But just as I was doing actions to illustrate the topic, Caleb walked by and said hello to me.... it was a wee bit embarrassing, but that's okay. It was kinda funny. Then I biked home, talked to Caleb online and drove to his house to make daisy chains. We looked at a pop-up book of old testament stories. It was very cool. Then we looked at Psalms. We said maybe we shouldn't live together because we'd be too busy hanging out together to do any work ever, which isn't true, there have been plenty of times when we've done homework together, and actually gotten stuff done. Heheh, but it is true we usually would rather cuddle and talk about things that aren't homework. Meh. Then Kurn came over and was very surprised to see me there. He was like "I'm sorry if I interrupted anything." Hahahahaha. oh dear. I said, "Oh .. don't worry about it, you're fine!" Then I got to drive them to Indoor soccer! It was really cool! the game was actually fun to watch. :D I even cheered "my" team on. good stuff. Then i drove Kurn and Caleb home, and went home. went to bed, prayed about lots of things, thanked God for the beautiful day, and prayed about my missing prints in art, then went to sleep! I woke up the next morning and was like WOW ITS MORNING OMG. I got ready and whatnot, and bussed to school, and walked with Alyssa. She's so cool. I love hanging out with her, she's so energetic and funny and quirky like me! She dances in the peerswick, too, with me! Yay, for awesome Alyssa. I went to the hall first, because they were taking photos for summer sports, which means intersecondary swimming sports, which means i had to have my photo taken. Then I went to Photography and said all cheery like "Hello!" and she was confused as to why i was there and then she remembered and she was like "d'oh" because she forgot to get the developer. So she ordered it right then and promised to have it picked up at lunch. hurray! but boo for not being able to develop it right then. So I went to the peerswick for a while, until second period, then went to art. I mildly looked around for a few seconds and THERE THEY WERE. My prints were just where I wanted them to be! I was ecstatic. Apparently the student teacher accidentally took them with her when she was taking a bunch of her papers home. So she brought them back that day! It made my mood good. At interval, I had some milo and Alyssa did a funny thing. We were standing in the kitchenette, talking, joking around, and an old construction worker passes the window, and Alyssa does this "come hither" finger wave, you know it? and just as she does that, he looks at her!~!!1!1! it was so funny! we ran away. haha. ummm then in Maths we had a pop quiz. it was cool, i got 7 out of 9. yay for me. although that's less than 80 percent...it's only 77.77777777 percent. geez. but it was a pop quiz... meh. anyway, i went back to art for lunch. I'm totally grooving on the starving artist attitude. "Art is more important than food!" I did monoprinting. it was so fun. xD Tomorrow I'll do some random masking. in english I continued reading One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and then Geniesa and I finally developed our films in photography! hurray! Tomorrow I get to print them! Caleb stayed after with me in the dark room. We could have pretended to do kinky things but a girl named Erin was in there still. sigh. Then we went back to his house and hung out, ate cookies and drank banana milkshakes. We uploaded pics from his camera onto the laptop in the small dorm thing next to the office. It's built above the garage, and basically is just a room and a bathroom. The room has a double bed, though, and a laptop with the software for the camera. The bathroom doesn't have a lock, apparently, Caleb told me because he had to pee. And he came out and was like "yay i peed quietly." and I said, "Whatever, I heard you." and we talked about how weird it is when you can hear/be heard peeing. and he hugged me and told me he loved having these conversations with me. :) Unfortunately he had to go to soccer and i had to go home so...that was the end of our time together today...but tomorrow is 7 months!!!!1!! How exciting! Once I got home, I ate food and sat around. I watched friends and just hung out. Now it's time for bed. I have 3 days of school left until august.
Read 11 comments
yea, it really sucks. i always get really torn up about it. :[ maybe im just too emotional lol. oh well.

gosh i have a headache :[

I love colours. Especially green. =) =) =)
Thank you. Knowing that makes me feel a little less un-proud.

If I weren't a thousand miles away from you, or however far, I would give you a hug to say thank you. =)
im jealous..you saw a real live fairy ring. You should take a picture of it because you don't see those anywhere! I'm seriouse...take a picture of it.
yea, i like it sometimes, but sometimes i think im too emotional. y'know? :/
thats so cool that you found a fairy ring. i didnt know they existed either.
yeah, I accidently saved it twice and the 1st one didn't save..lol...so..there's an entry now. You should go look ,because..that would be REALLY cool.
i have two weeks of school left before i graduate high school.
i wish it were only three days though. why do you get out so early?
lol..I love the story about the construction worker passing when she was doing the "come hither" finger/look. That's awesome....l laughed really hard...
I know, it's good, isn't it? It's from the beginning of the film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, in case you haven't seen it or don't remember.

I thought it was a nice phrase to use.
I think the most romantical place is the dark room there where you print or develope pictures. *raises eyebrows* I wish I were still in Photo...I'll hafta ask KC if I could borrow his dark room there....*smiles sweetly* ....Where did Derek go again?....

Mwhahahaha....Kinky I love you Wesa!
"Wenesaayy get offa floorr..."
"A party? Like, with boys and stuff?"

OK. I love ya, buh bye!