9:43 Mid Wednesday Morning (5 November 2008)   Be Bold, Daring, and Hopeful PRAISE BE TO THE AMERICAN VOTERS! It is a time to rejoice! then we must get to work fixing the problems. Finally a president who believes in Diplomacy, democracy, honesty, transparency! there's a potential for it to go wrong, sure... but there's a potential for it to go right, too!!! a big potential! We are making progress, we are moving forward. we can do it! and now, back to finishing assignments.
Read 5 comments
i must say, im very jealous of your long distance coming to an end. its very exciting!! how awesome. things sounds like theyre going really well for you. aside from your shitty keyboard from the last entry. :)
the girl that gave me that told me to give it 2-3 months to see how my body adjusts to it. i do understand that i might wanna vomit and have breast discomfort but it's worth it. not only that but i got a years supply which is sweet. i just have to watch what i eat :/
abcdefghijklmn! The green laptop is hot.
Nobody's perfect. But Obama's the (presumably, for now!) the best leader of a country I would have ever encountered. I'm pretty darn proud of you, America.
I couldn't agree with you more.