Feeling: wounded
10:40 Monday Morning   Tonight We Are Lovers? You want to know what it's like being the other woman? anyway. I needed a date to prom. Hailey and I were going to go together. But then we realised we live in a conservative place and we didn't think we could get the couple's discount together as a same-sex duo, so we decided to take boys. ew boys. Anyway, she got Craig to go with her, which is awesome because Craig's a hottie and also funny and sweet. Go Craig. Lucky Hailey! So that left me. My number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, etc. choice is in New Zealand.. my crush of a year and 7 months. did you know a year ago he told me he loved me for the first time? He was reminiscing this to me yesterday. I like him a lot a lot a lot. So that made finding a date for me quite difficult. I thought of Aaron first, of course, but he wasn't interested in going. I just wanted to get a manicure with him anyway. There will be other opportunities for us to go get a manicure together. haha. good ol' aaron. And random other boys came to mind, but none of them i liked well enough to spend more than half an hour with. So I thought of guys from church, Thomass and Ben and Arthur. God this makes me sound horrible. okay. So Thomass doesn't want to go to a dance with me because "it'd be like dancing with my sister!" ...his white sister. anyway. so Thomass is out. Eh, I don't really care. Ben's a sophomore. But he's a really awesome guy, i went to homecoming in the same group as him and it was a blast. absolutely fantastic. So i talked to him about it, and he said that he might have a girlfriend and he didn't know how she'd feel about that. But if she was okay with it, he said it would be really fun to go with me. Anyway, i know for a fact that the girl he was asking out is totally infatuated with him so i got up some courage and asked Arthur how he felt about prom. I don't know. I mean, Arthur and I aren't very close, but i've known him since like fourth grade. He graduated last year, but he's a really nice guy and all...i was just really afraid to ask him. because i mean, who wants to go to a highschool dance after high school? But sunday after we practised for Almost Broadway, we were talking about random things, and I was like, "How do you feel about prom?" "I love proms!" he said. ...okay... He went on like, he likes dressing up in tuxes and whatnot. so i asked him if he had a tuxedo, he said no. anyway it came down to that he was all excited about it and said "i should ask you to prom." I was like "yeah! yeah, that would be cool." so i stood there. and he was like "so. wanna go to prom?" so I said, "Yes, oh yes! sounds fantastic!" Then he gave me this hug, which ranked at "i totally have a crush on you" on the hug theory scale (I don't know if anyone knows what I'm talking about, but that's how it is), and I ran off to some meeting that i was late for. yeah. So I told Caleb about it, and he was fine with it, which is good. I am glad Caleb's so awesome. I feel like this horrible person. Like, oh yay, Arthur's my last choice, and I'm just settling with him because no one else will/can go with me. That's not true, I like Arthur but yeah. He told me to give him a call or talk to him at church or something, so whatever. Anyway, last night when i got home from work, my dad told me that he called. Which was, in and of itself, weird. I don't know what he wanted, like, something that couldn't wait until sunday? So I'm worried that he was letting me know that he couldn't go to prom with me. I assumed that he called at like 7 or something, like a normal person. I generally try not to call people after 8:30, and definitely not after 9 unless i have specific permission from that person to call late. So i checked the caller ID this morning to get his number so i could return his call. And it's telling me that he called at like 10 pm last night. So now it sounds like it was kind of urgent? i don't know. whatever. sad, i don't want him to not take me to prom because he'd be fun. sigh. i shall keep thee posted, diary. in other news, i went to the mandatory sexual harrassment prevention program today, hahaha. That was just... blah. Boring and mostly just information that i'd never need. I can be an intimidating person. I have no problem with physically beating up a guy who tries to touch me or "inappropriately act" towards me. Because i'm a bitch, let's face it. i have my own methods of dealing with sexual harrassment, and it doesn't happen to me. But the best thing happened while i was driving home. There were these three deer in someone's yard and they were SOOOO ugly! haha all their fur was molting because it's finally getting to be spring. Oh man, they were hideous. I laughed out loud to myself and exclaimed, "OH MAN THATS UGLY!" to myself. yeah. i talk to myself. woo! i thought it was great. very amusing. I'm getting kind of bored so i'll go out and blow bubbles and draw with sidewalk chalk. Feel free to join me. --------------- 4:08 pm oh my goodness. I got a hold of arthur and all he wanted to tell me was that he could go to prom with me. SIGH. I was all worried that something had gone seriously wrong. I guess he was just really excited that he could go...i don't know. meh, so yeah. that's the news. Tonight Hailey's coming over, and tomorrow at 3 i'm supposed to go to Arthur's office (!!!) and practise for almost broadway.. ugh getting so sick of almost broadway. my job is to humiliate myself as much as possible. yay. anyway. so yeah. i don't know why he'd call at ten pm just to say that he could go to prom. i mean. that sort of information can wait until sunday, right? meh! whatever floats his boat. oh yeah i randomly was at Border's today at the same time as Chelsea (not my sister, though she was there too), so I had the priveledge of making fun of current fashions with her. It was awesome. Emily from my sophomore bio class (and actually two other classes i had that term) works in the cafe at Border's now so i got to talk to her for a little while. It was sweet. Good times. alright, i feel like basking in the sun before it goes away. because in 57 days i will be back in winter. FIFTY-SEVEN!
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teresa! i spoke to caleb the other day and he said you were coming...whee!! (even if it IS during exam period) and we decided we need to divide teresa time! oh anyway, whee, youre coming!! XD.

oh and have fun at your prom thing!
Heh heh. I think I found every hairstyle that I didn't want. There were some that were ok, but nothing that particularly caught my eye.

That's ok though, because there are millions of magazines, and the blessed internet. I"m sure to find something right?

hi um thanx for the congratulations, i like ur entries they're funny.
i love Borders.
and yes yaye for boyfriends :)