my prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, So why is it that no matter how hard I try it's never good enough? I've asked you this many times in the past few weeks, but I still haven't gotten an answer. Or at least not one that I've really wanted to hear. Maybe I'm just not listening, or maybe I've just stopped listening all together. I know that I've walked away from you, but sometimes it just seems easier. I can't do it on my own though. You've shown me that before. I guess I just don't understand why things are happening the way that they have been. And no, I'm not saying that all of it's been bad, but when things have been bad, lately, I haven't felt your presence. That's probably my fault. But it seems like I'm alone in this, and it scares me half to death. I've been going to youth group, church and bible study. But I've found that I'm doing it again. Hiding. Everyone thinks I'm doing pretty well in my walk with you, but the truth is, I'm probably the farthest from you that I've been in a really long time. There's a wall there, that keeps stopping me from going back to you and I don't know how to break it down. Maybe I haven't even been trying. Like I'm afraid to or something. But why am I so afraid? What am I suppose to do? Will you please tell me? I need you. I love you. Please help me get through this. Help me break down this wall.
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i love you
and you know
i'm always
here for you.
i love you
so much.
Hey its Braden,
I never really have told you this before but im praying for you.I prayed for you alot before too.I just wanted to let you know i was.