Listening to: NA
Feeling: happy
So I've been at work for two hours already and its only 7:48 am. I started at 5:45 and won't leave until 2 but than I get to go camping. The only thing I have to do after work is go and get my bag of ice and run home for my fruit salad and go get Brian and than head up there. Boo yah for getting my work schedule switched so I don't have to drive up at 9 pm.
Its cold in the fitness center today and I should really go and clean the machines but we just got really busy so within the hour I'll go and do that. I just want to be lazy right now. I do need to take to my Supervisor though about getting an ID card so that I can get into the building when I work early without having to take my sisters.
I should be motivated like all these other people and work out too but I don't want to be :/
James is going to New York this week and he gave Heather a pair of tickets to the Warped Tour so she invited me and its free. I'm pretty excited about that because I wanted to go but didn't have the extra money. Seriously, I love that girl and her boyfriend for getting the hookup :]
Well hope you all have a good weekend and I'll be back on Monday
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