[1314] And All Of Those French Films About Trains

So i am learning guitar as of today. my fingers kinda hurt. after i played i read about how to make calluses happen faster so it wont hurt.. soak your fingers in alcohol.. that's what eric clapton did. but then i read that witch hazel with alcohol is better. so i had some but we wanted to play halo so i wrapped damp cotton swabs around my fingers with bandaids while we played. didn't do as good as i usually do.. but i didn't suck. my fingers felt tingly.. and I am just going to assume that means it was working... timmy helped me some more after halo and they didn't hurt that bad. i mean they hurt but i think i can take it. I'm learning "I'd Hate To Be You When People Find Out What This Song Is About" by Mayday Parade and "The Hunger" by the distillers. For the distillers, it does this thing idk what its called but usually you would use a finger to mute the chords as you strum.. but just for the second strum.. timmy uses his pinky. but his pinkies are HUGE so he didn't know how to show me how to do it. But I am resourceful.. it may be weird.. but, i used my foot. lol. hey maybe it will be my thing if i ever get famous.. the girl who plays with her feet to compensate for small pinkies... i think theres a guy who plays with his feet already so.. its not that weird. timmy was laughing but said "its funny because its sounds how it should sound" so thats all that matters right? he.. i wish tims acoustic guitar was smaller. it doesn't hurt my fingers so much. which is weird since i thought acoustic was supposed to hurt more.. but its huge and i cant see what i'm doing. and its heavy. i like the size of the electric but its sharp and the strings are soo far from the guitar. i think i might cut my hair tomorrow. i feel like a change. Every new era in life demands a new hair cut... i think i might just do it myself. we went to fantastic sams or something the last 2 times.. and they just don't cut it.. haha cut it.. but yeah.. i think i could do better myself. in the dark. blindfolded. with no legs. not that you need legs to cut hair. might go short but i dunno.. I'd rather wait till my bangs grow out for that. but who knows when that will be... I'm sick of long hair. or I'm sick of growing my hair out and never getting to the right length..
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