[472] Gaps in History

1...2...5!! hehe chipper is such an uberly neat-o word. today was good and its not even 5 yet! and 5 is a magical #!! i just KNOW something good will happen at 5! I dont know what.. and even if i have to make it happen myself.. i see good things in store for 5 :) went to school. keyboarding seemed extra long today. it wasnt boring or anything. i like it alot.. but it was just so long.. neverending. until it did. and my friend wasnt there. its some blonde haired girl who typically by just looking at her youd think she was stuck up but she's really nice and funny too. but she was gone. i usually sit in the back next to some guy named roland. and its funny cuz we use roland keyboards.. i told him it was funny or something... and now im pretty sure he thinks im weird. lol o well. i like going to work. especially today. i met jim. some dude.. i dont know what he is i forget. he was kinda rude. but i dont think he meant to be. i worked pretty slow today... i need the hours. its decided.. no more writing about sean. its kinda dumb. kinda annoying and overbearing and kinda a big hippie. not sean. but bleh. whatever happens happens. im okay with whatever. infact, and im sure he feels it too... i kinda have this weight lifted off my shoulders.. not that he was a burden or something... gosh no. but i dunno i have a lil more time to do other things now i guess. thats not the only reason but you know what i mean. it still hurts and my little heart is filled with sad things... but im content. shoot! lol... o well. stupid letters. ah! lol im so dumb.... its pretty funny tho. im gonna go like.. do yoga or something. bye bye bye all... all all. i'll be back
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i feel icky, because some people are stupid!
whats up?
im kaela,.