
uhg. looong day. Me and Tim were PA's for a short film in Porter Ranch today. Jessica wasn't there she was in Arizona. I've been a PA for Jessica 3 times now.. 1st time i met Dave, he was the key PA. He was impressed that i was always one step ahead of everything. He asked how many times I PA'd since when we worked together. I said once and he was like "wow really??" because I seemed more experienced :) He kept calling me Super PA lol. Other people I've worked with before were there too. Nick is cool and funny. And Jason the art director. Tim worked with him a lot. I think he said he would rather get into that than gripping. Grips just carry heavy stuff.. Art directors are able to be creative and pretty much try to immulate the directors vision. We both HATE PA'ing tho. Uhg. Never again for me. But I was hanging around the directors a lot and kinda listening to them and paying attention and stuff... because I think my project is finally going to start to unfold.

Not going to say anything about it yet tho. No good ever comes from speaking of something too soon.

Cant wait till tomorrow.. so nervous. I am getting tested for irlen lenses. I'm so curious to see if I am able to benefit from them :) And I'm excited for Saturday too! Fun times with Casey and meeting his director friend Eric. I'm going to be helping Eric with his new film project by making the website and such. And also ask him if he would like to help me out with my project.

Dexter was.. disappointing. Grey's and Vampire Diaries and HIMYM tomorrow YAY!

Uhg I wish I could write a longer entry but I'm about to fall out of my chair.

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