[527] too good to be true

Listening to: oh, just the usual
Feeling: exasperated
haha tricked you! too good to be true.. oh man you should have seen your face.. all anticipating like...oi. mothers= daughter killers. and the executability of yesterday grows... executability a new word i learned as of a couple minutes ago meaning.. capable of being executed.. yes. i do believe yesterday has earned the right to be executed. slowly. and painfully. however...it did have its highlights. I just cant seem to focus on them because my mind keeps going back to so many other things. timmy gave me a letter he wrote me. And he the picture i drew of us on his phone. and he is just pretty much the best thing that could have happened to me.. but.. still. i dont want to get into it cuz its just really gay and obnoxious. sorry for those of u who are either gay or obnoxious but thats how it was and im not sorry for saying so. Im late for work. but not really since i go in pretty much whenever i want. but i did take yesterday off so i should go in today. But my mom took the keys to my car and i cant find them. But im an idiot.. she put a lock on the key box. i never take keys out of that box except once cuz cristy wanted to fix her computer so i gave her my moms key. and she was fine with that. she just didnt know i knew we had a key box. oh mother, how silly you must be. But yeah i broke the little joke of a lock. I think i have one of those for my elementry school diary. they are small and gold. i'll just replace it. actually... i think the one i broke was silver. but my mother doesnt exactly have the keenest of memories in the first place soooo..... but grr that still doesnt leave me with the key to my freaking car. i need to go to freaking work. freaking a. I had a weird dream last night. I was on a date with tim i think. or i was just watching a guy and a girl and they were supposed to be me and tim. and they were deciding on what movie to watch and the girl kept saying a movie and he didnt wanna see it. but there was a screen behind them and she pointed to it and it was the movie.. and the movie she wanted to see was open water lol.. and in my dream im thinking "what??? i hate that movie!!" and then all of a sudden im in the middle of the water with tim just like in the movie. and im freaking out cuz in the movie the guy gets eaten by sharks and a part of a boat floats by and i told him to get on cuz we're not gonna put a titanic. and he did and then i got on and for a while it was fine but then this stuid dolphin kept bumping into us and then it turned into a girl and she wanted to get on too. and then we washed up on shore and it was by this ladies house and we went in and i dunno it was actually weeeeeeird after that like.. it was kinda twisted. but anyways... so for my theater class.. i had to get theater the lively art edition 4 and i got edition 5. She said its fine to use either but easier to use 4. Shes right cuz all the questions are like a chapter after what she said and all scattered around. and i was thinking she was crazy. oi. i need the other book. what else?? Oh yes.. the start to a wonderful day... the sound of my alarm and my mother saying "i cant take you anywhere you know.. i have stuff to do all day" and i was like "thats cool" and she was like "were not done with this. were going to talk about it TODAY!" and i was half asleep but i think i said "okay mom" and she was all mad at that.. saying okay... didnt even like give her a "tone" or whatever it is she complains about. I just accepted that we had to freaking talk. and she was all stupid about it and said "you are so close to loosing this room" well she didnt have to tell me. I know i am. i know also that the only reason she keeps being so crazy and a jerk to me is because she is looking for ANY excuse she can find big enough or that will esculate into a big enough fight so she can say "thats it, this isnt your room anymore" and give my room to jason. her precious baby boy. whatever kids. I am done caring how unfairly she treats me in comparison to jason. But I cant get over how evil that is. If she wants it that bad. JUST SAY IT.. thats all she has to do. just freaking say it. not go around and make everyones life a living hell hole just to get her way. gah its crazy. Someone keeps calling. Im pretty sure its her and if it is.. im not here. but it might not be.. o well. i never get phone calls anyways. and tims at work so yeah. ha it waaaaaaaaas tim. he's gonna take me to work. and pick me up. and yeah. but grrr. i still want to drive my car. I dont know whats going to happen tonite. I dont want to talk to her. She just going to say the how "things are going to be from now on" speech once again. like she always does. And grr that speech.. so played. im such an idiot too.. when i talk to her. the words dont come out. and at the end she thinks that just because she got her point across and i didnt.. that she is right. gah. just cuz i cant articulate my thoughts like she can. but i wouldnt say that 'evil' is a skill i want to aquire so in a way im somewhat thankful I cant. __________________________________________ iiiiiii am eating a bagel. iiiii am eating a bagel at coc... mhm i sure am. yum...ish. tiy has class till 10ish so I a gonna do hw and such until then. i bought some sur tangerine altoids mmmmmm buddy those are amazing and wonderous... I'll probably eat em all tonite. nothing else to say for the time being. toodles.
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