[1625] UHF

Uber HAPPY face. haha.

Amanda came over today. we fixed our stupid doors. It took us 3 hours! lol. It was hard! The shag carpet what the culprit. we went to home depot first and then got in n out and fixed doors. then i set up my drum set and i showed amanda a little bit of stuff but she decided she was too tired to learn today. We played with my bunnies and I fell asleep. Then we saw Kick Ass at the $3 theater by my house!!! and it was LEGENDARY! :)

Tim and Jeni, round 2 in 2 days. What to get him... nothing fancy or anything but I want it to be special. The 2nd anniversary is the cotton year. I just cant really think of anything special that is made of cotton.. then the more modernerish option is fine china... but uh yeah no.

I miss Casey :( He is working graveyard shifts now and I never talk to him.. ever !! I has much to tell him. And I just miss owning noobs with him. And making asses of ourselves on xbox live.

Ian can be such a jerk. Like. First of all.. he asked me a while ago to be the web developer/designer for the website of this game him and his friend Paul were working on. Paul=programmer and Ian=Artist. But then after months of thinking I was in... and asking about it and being involved.. one day Paul just decides HE is going to just do the site himself. And Ian doesn't do anything about it. Just tells me like.. "Oh by the way..." But whatever.. I didn't reeeeally care to much. Then month or 2 goes by and he asks me to look at some HUD mock ups and asks if I could do the HUD for the game. And I was like suresies. And so he sends me 5 files of the HUD. and I start working on it. But the files he sends are all black and white. And he doens't give me any details. No fonts, no sizes, no colors, nothing. Just "make it look like and old map" ok well the background looks great but I am stuck on what colors to make buttons and crap and I call him and ask if he is busy. And he said yeah but i'll call u in 15 minutes. So 45 minutes later he calls when I am playign COD with amanda and says well I will just im u later or tomorrow. and i am like yeah ok. ANd then i get off COD and am on fb and i see him on so i tell him i am bored and to tell me more info about the HUD so i can work on it. And he just blows me off. like a bitch. wtf. I am doing him a favor and he is being a noob.

Speaking of noobs. Rahm isn't talking to me. I don't know why. I mean I can guess but if that is why then I am mad at him. We had a heated discussion the other day about abortion. He asked me for my opinion and advice. Not to listen, not to agree. Because if he had asked me those things ahead of time I would have said ok and when he brought up abortion I would just plainly say "I can't support or agree with you sorry" but no. he asked for my opinion and advice. so i gave it to him. and after a while I said "Look, i really dont think i am the right person to talk to about this." and he got mad and called me insane. SO i was basically like 'HOLD UP.. you come to ME asking ME for advice about ABORTION.. ssomething I think is CRAZY. You call me crazy but I don't call you crazy at all even if I was tempted to because you are my friend.' And he apologized and I ended withtelling him I am here for him and will listen when he needs me to listen and i care about him. A week goes by. I send him a text and ask "how is the baby situation". get no reply. The casey tells me rahm posted a thing on fb about 2 tickets he has for dane cook at laugh factory and he is giving them away. he said i should text him. Because me and rahm are good friends. so i do and... no reply. He is straight up ignoring me and I didn't do anything. I did what he asked. I think I lost a friend for doing what they ask. for having an opinion. its stupid.

Friend drama is so.. drama-y. Amanda is a good friend. she is so much less complicated than some of these boys.

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