[1341] Daily News

G's us. TOday was long and busy. So after many many attempts to land the perfect job.. and failing.. i decided to really look at what I was doing and why it wasnt working. I started with my resume. and really, thats all I changed. I sent my resume to about 8 people that evening and got 3 calls by noon the next day. and 2 confirmed interviews by the end of the day. crazy what a difference between what seems professional at 18 and 21. Who knew? So timmys day off was today also so he wanted to go look at apartments again. just 2 in the same complex. so he scheduled an appointment with the Realtor for 11. Sooooo I woke up around 8:30 to get ready for an interview for a receptionist position at a modeling/acting agency at 10 across town in Valencia. got a call saying they wanted to move it to 11 instead. Which i thought was extremely rude because it just is and also because when I got there, I waited around 30 minutes for the interviewer.. after 30 minutes another employee kind of took over the interview and she showed up at 11:50 giving a less than sincere apology like she was so important and couldnt possible be expected to respect people.. uhg. she was also very short and so was the time she spent with me. about 10 minutes if that. after waiting so long to spend 10 minutes with me? she didnt even ask the usual "so do you have any questions?" so I couldnt have done anything about it. she was obviously busy and this silly interview was taking up too much of her precious time. but all in all I had a good interview with the person before her and I did okay i guess with her... but she is crazy intimidating. She needs to smile more. or once. just once. But anyways, the initial job was receptionist but they liked that I have background in web development as they need help with their website so i thought that was cool. it would look quite nice on my resume. quite. not that great. i just like the word quite. anyways. so after that I drove over to the apartments to meet tim and the realtor. the first apartment, priced at 199000 was great in that it had a lot of upgrades and looked very clean and move in ready. The other apartment which was like 210000, was the same as the 2 we had loved but that already sold. the only difference was the floor plan was reversed. I love it because with the loft and the high ceilings it makes the whole apartment open up and is really nice and airy. But there were no upgrades and it looked like it would need quite a bit of work. but tim thinks we should put an offer in on both since they are so much lower than our budget and the fact that I might get a job very soon isnt bad either. so after that we drove to our apartment. i made a sandwich. sat down for literally 2 seconds to get directions for my next interview at 1:30 and split. The interview was in sylmar. which is further but way faster to get to than driving into valencia. especially with the traffic. g's. anyways, the job was for a web assistant. i would be making banner ads for the company to post on other websites as well as increasing the SEO of their site and the like. I think it went really well actually. he said i was bright and eager. which, im assuming is a great attitude to portray to a potential employer. i also impressed him a few times by understanding certain web development terms and just knowing what he was talking about without being confused. its funny because most of what he was talking about was stuff i had JUST heard in my class the day before. we just went over SEO and everything he was saying. it was really weird. thank god tho. without a review i might not have done as well. I read online that less than 4% of peoplpe send thank you notes to interviewers, and that they actually want you to. I sent a thank you note about an hour after I got home. just an email. i think a letter would be a little tooo formal. plus he's making a decision by tomorrow so no time. around 3:15 me and timmy went down to descanso gardens to take a look around. they were sooo nice and helpful. the gardens, even now in the middle of yucky winter season when flowers are at their worst, still looked very elegant and beautiful. The fees were expensive but we knew that beforehand and thought it was fine because it actually wouldnt be too much for the bulk of our budget. BUt then after talking with them a little bit they said that we would HAVE to use their inhouse catering and meals start at... *sigh*.... $85/person. OUCH. so we still looked but thats just crazy. I guess its not so bad if we did the ceremony there and used the gardens for beautiful pictures and then held the reception somewhere else.. somewhere a little less crazyyyyy. who knows. then we drove back home. stopped to get directions real fast and drove to le chene, a small french restaurant in agua dulce. i dunno. it was ok. after seeing descaso gardens, it just felt sad. altho the prices made us very happy.. meals were $36/person and everything else would be around 600. so if we had 75 people.. itd be under $3,500 which isnt even close to JUST the site fee at Descanso gardens. bahhhh. on the way home we stopped at albertsons to get some stuff but timmy forgot his card at home.. oops! kinda my fault so i offered to go back by myself to get the groceries and he could watch his basketball game cuz he doesnt get to watch many. anyways then it was making dinner and doing homework with tv in the background. until now.. because i needed a break to regain sanity.. and if you actually read this, you probably lost yours. oooooops. i think i have carpal-tunnel. Ok well. until next time.. stay cheesy san diego. yeeah.
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