[254] apples can runner fast in the summer

hehe Im twitterpated! NO! not by some "guy" sheesh! Im twitterpated with... um.. i dont know i just like the word darn it. Im twitterpated with myself and the fact that i am twitterpated. it makes sense. it does. hi all. so today at work was crazy. a couple people were out so we had to cover their sections.. nice how they have some of the biggest sections in the whole store.. sheesh. basically it was gay and we didnt leave till like 1 or something. GAY! Kathy quit! GAH! All the people i like are quiting or getting fired its stupid in a can times my armpit.. but we got some new guy. havent met him yet. he's monique and jastine and thomas' friend... i swear their gonna get all their friends working there and take over.. and everyones gonna die... but at least jastine brought some good music.. i think it was jastin cuz i cant see my manager bustin out story of the year or new found glory. it wasnt the best music cuz im not really into story all that much, kinda emoish but its ok. but i likes new found glory alot cuz they ease my troubles. and it was nice... better than rap and the gay guy singing christmas music. matthew wasnt there today or yesterday. I keep wanting to ask him for a ride home so my mom and andres dont have to pick me up but he hasnt been there. I almost thought he quit. I work saturday so maybe then. So hmm.. I went to school today for no reason cuz i set my alarm for 10 but i ended up getting up at 230.. haha shut up. so when i got to school i didnt have time for a test so im going tomorrow. or today cuz its after 12. gah. im tired but i am not sleepy. haha is that possible... o well thats what i am. I helped my mom put up the rest of the lites today. that was interesting. she almost fell off the roof.. my mom is kind nuts sometimes... haha sometimes... we got subway and the guy was creepy and was staring and my mom was ordering and he was just staring at me and i was like dude pay attention.. didnt say that but should have cuz he was an idiot. and i was in a bad mood already so he felt my wrath. I found cute photo albums today. I want them!!!! I like photo albums.. if I could I'd blow all my money on phto albums and hats and cd's and and and well lots of stuff but boo to no monies. hehe i think Im gonna buy it anyways... dont tell nobody SHHHH!... cuz its lime green! but then theres the black one with the stringyiness and the leopardy printness but its not lime green so nvm. ok good... im goona buy it. woot. I was looking at classes online today for coc cuz i keep changing my mind on which classes i want. i was thinking just stuff like artsy fartsy stuff.. but then i was thinking i should probably do some spanish as soon as possible cuz i am mexican and i should knows it by now... oi. Oh, my brothers gonna be going to coc in june. or july or whatever. that'll be cool cuz I'll be there and we'll take classes together! actually i havent talked to him about it but thatd be cooL! cant wait. cant wait. Holy cow its wednesday! only 4 and a half more days till i see the brother .. and these days are flying like crazyness! miss him i do. I talk about him alot.. cuz i miss that fool. foo. fee fiii foh fum? my eAr! it still hurts! comfy pants! I stole my moms comfy pants and they are comfy. Im gonna go sleep until 6:15 i think... cuz brett is probably gonna be home at 6:15. i havent talked talked to him in like.. a long long time. only messages over im. and 5 second convos. boo to that. sheesh. at 6 it'll be yet another 5 second convo but still.. maybe he'll appreciate the welcome home. cuz cuz thats what jeni's do? my cheek hurts. i need a new job. I think im gonna really look hard this week. and try and start work in january right after my brother goes back.. the 4th or something. cuz ross is gay. love you all bye.
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