[1703] Creeps

Why are video gamers such creeps?? Like, they're cool.. and then they see boobs at e3... and they are super creepy.. like stalker status. I'm not saying they cant like boobs and hot chicks. But, do you have to be so gross about it? And openly creepy... like getting picture after picture.. zooming in on their cleavage and stuff. I'm actually glad i only went 1 day. I was annoyed enough when they wanted to take a few pictures with some chicks.. but by the looks of the fb pictures, they got creepier. and not just taking pics. thats what the chicks are there for. but the comments on the pics too... makes me kinda mad. calling girls bitches and saying "my favorite was so and so" and "she wasn't even the hottest one there" and stuff.. like they're not even people. its weird. but the most annoying part is that then they wonder why they dont have girlfriends.. and say junk like "Im such a nice guy" and blah blah blah... really?? maybe we have a different opinion of what a nice guy is... but in my book its someone who is respectful of everyone for one. discrete. honest. idk. these guys are such idiots tho. one imparticular likes this girl he hung out with at e3... and then he acts like that... i bet she was really impressed. lol its just outrageous how they cant see how stupid they are. and the girls there are PAID to be nice to you... i dont know why they get all weird when one looks at them or agrees to take a picture... its their job. it doesn't mean she wants to have sex with u. and she probably doesn't appreciate the nasty comments about peeing on her face.. i cant believe i hung out with these people for a day. and i got 2 of his friends in too. gross. i just didn't think thats who i was friends with. i really need to start being more.. choose-y with who i am friends with and do favors for. To be fair, not all of the people i hung out with on tuesday were being creeps like Gio and emerson and that other guy were.

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