[1737] All The LIttle Things

Now what?

Not aneamic... my thyroid is fine... so what? She told me she's going to have the sleep people call me. where they do sleep study stuff. but she said it would be weird in someone my age and who isn't fat or have a large neck. but since im not anemic or have a thyroid problem... might as well. plus it best describes my symptoms. why am i snoring so much (and so loud) out of nowhere??

work has been ok. idk. there are a bunch of new people cuz they are hiring like crazy. and some girls around my age. and it just seems. no. not seems. it just is. its easier for them. after a week.. they have friends. i have 1 friend. i mean i say hi to people and have friendly chats once in a while. no one is mean to me. but i only really talk to james. but mostly on yahoo messanger even tho he's on the other side of my cubicle. when we see each other its awkward. we are much better communicating to an empty box and i think we both prefer it that way. but at lunch time its weird. the first week i went to lunch with dierre and a few other people. but then it just dwindled down until... no one inviting me.. to people inviting other people without me knowing... to people full on inviting people right in front of me knowing i can hear.. and not saying anything. and I'm not just going to invite myself. its fine. most of them aren't really my kind of people anyways. most of them are all on the marketing/sale/customer service-y side of things so they are all... social butterflies or at least people persons. I am not. o well. sometimes i have lunch with timmy. sometimes i eat in my car.

i aked my doctor how i could get off prozac since i don't want to be taking it forever. she said she believes in talking. and that counseling would be her advice. she referred me to this one place and i made an appointment. earliest was almost a month away. I've only ever had church counseling. mostly forced on by my mother. it'll be interesting to see how a non church therapists handles things when they aren't trying to please my mother.

its weird that I'm not anemic. I'm glad, but thats what i was thinking it was. especially since i did some research yesterday and a lot of people with autism/aspergers are suseptible to iron deficiency.I'll write more about that later. too tired right now.

finally got the hunger games book 2 from sal. Cannot wait to read it. I was reading another book to hold me over. The cats cradle. meh. im not very far into it but... its not really going anywhere.. might give it a few more chapters but i dont think i'll end up finishing it. since i will read HG2 and forget all about it. and if i decided i want to read it again I'll have to reread what i already read and i know i wont.

the kitties like sitting on the window seal in the bedroom and looking outside. but the edge is so narrow. i feel bad so i've been looking for a table that can sit right below the window so they can sit or lay wihtout having to worry about falling over. found one on craigslist and its sOOO pretty! its old and ugly but the style is nice and its really sturdy. the lady selling it wanted 50. i asked her if she could lower it to 30 but she pretty much said no. she said she wasnt at home, her daughter would be there tho and i could go look at it and get it if i want. i only had 20's. and it had a bunch of cracks. so i didn't want to go over 30. and then, half joking i said "will you take a 20?" and she was like "sure." and i was like..."really??" but she said it was cool and her mom would be fine lol. what a cool chick. I'll take a pic later.

dexter is sitting by me. he's so sleepy :)

True blood is driving me crazy!

so is pretty little liars!

we're going to san diego tomorrow when tim gets home from work.

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