[46]drink my pee

Listening to: nuffin
Feeling: pensive

hey. ouch my legs is asleep. ouch ouch ouch it hurts to type becuase i bit my nails i gues. well i don't know... I don't even remember biting them, but they are down to the nub and ouch...

I saw Win A Date With TAd Hamilton today with my bottle of ketchup aka vannessa. It was funny. and really predictible, but good. That guy from that 70's show is in it, he's a cutie... that tad guy is too pretty in my opinion. I dunno.

So I spent like all my money tonite.. I get weird sometimes and go on a insane spending craze... i think i blew it all on food... grrr. I also bought a book called the portable beat reader. Its pretty good so far. I wanted to get another but i didn't have enough.. I shouldnt have gotten that pretzel.

It was cool going out with vannessa. I miss spending time with her. And jenae. I miss that turkish belly dancer..well that isnt true but I have poked her in the belly on numerous occasions.. i know your jealous, dont hide it.

rawr and moo.

the dog trots freely in the streets.

tampons suck... or absorb, if you want to gettechnical or something... but they mostly suck.

Do you like my background? It was just a face and I was bored and now its a pretty girl. YAYA!

Brett should be callin about now. Hope so cuz I'm bored and really have nothing to write.

i think I'm gonna go to best buy tomorrow. yeah. and goodwill. YAYA!

i got 2 free cd's today. woot.

until we meet again...

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you are so freakin cool