[1355] Some People

Sometimes people just flat out suck and theres absolutely nothing to do about it. i dont mind the obvious asshole who just plain sucks.. but when you come off as a nice person alll.. sincere and whatever and then suck ass.. it pisses me off. assholes. some people pick the wrong guys. actually most women complain about always picking the wrong guys and blah blah blah.. thats not true for me. the guys i picked before werent that bad they just werent timmy. and you caant get any better than a timmy. but it seems like I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS fall into these crappy jobs. they seem great. they treat me nice and say all the right things. and then they turn into monsters and eat me alive. alive. but of the 2 situations, i guess i prefer to always have tim by my side even if i continue to get beaten up by these too good to be true crap jobs. speaking about how over the top wonderful tim is.. we had lunch because i did not want to go to the apartment at that point... we talked. i vented. we ranted. and he held me and told me he loves me and its going to be okay. im scared. this is how everything fell apart last time. first went the job. then well. just everything. its weird how last night we just ahd this conversation about how hard i was working because i wanted to do good at this job so something like this wouldnt happen because it was so stressful last time and i didnt want to lose him. but at least i know that wont happen. he gave me his card and told me to go to the mall or a thrift store or something :] i look gross but i guess its better than sitting around here. i hate here. he called me and told me that this girl he knows asked if i want to do this thing she's doing.. where she goes and buys iphones b/c like japan doesnt have iphones and they get paid like $5 for every phone they get. they can only get 5 at a time but she said its the easiest money she's made.. i just dont know.. cuz when me and tim rboke up.. she tried to sweep in. even dan told tim she was interestd in him.... she said she had a bf who was in the army.. however there is no evidence of this "bf".. who knows. gosh. im so mad. but tim told me not to think about it today soo.. im going shopping and i'll write about it in crazy detail tomorrow.
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Never judge a book by it's cover. But fuck it. Smile. It could be worse [8
:/its nva easy