[1508] Crappy Friends and Tummy aches

Screw crappy friends. I am so over one-sided friendships. I have had enough to last me a lifetime. grr. Maybe in the past i would over look it and keep them around because i was running short on friends.. but recently I'm not lacking in the friends department so weeding out the bad ones doesn't seem like such a crazy idea. Blahhhh. Is it stupid that i miss people like Jenae and Sara? Maybe I don't miss them.. maybe I just miss when things weren't so crazy... i wish people came with warning signs.. like "bad friend" or "liar" or "stupid" or "don't bother"... so you don't waste your time.. but I guess life wouldn't be as interesting? meh. what the heck is wrong with my stomach??!?!?!? :/ last few days have been hell.. eat = hurt. don't = hurt. before prozac = hurt. after = hurt. water = hurt. after sleep = hurt. hurt like.. pain and nausea and feeling like doing absolutely nothing but maybe punching yourself in the face for a while.... Why??? this isn't the typical 'stress' stomach ache I'm accustomed to.. or when I eat too much dairy.. this is like the mother of all stomach aches ! its been 3 days now... :( i want Batman Arkham Asylum... it sounds really amazing... and i love batman :) well.. i did.. before dark knight.. stupid christian bale. But take him out of the mix and I am super excited.
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It's why my list of friends can be counted on one hand. Granted it's not much, but those are people I can trust. I do the whole socializing deal though people have a tendency to annoy me.

I am good at reading people enough to where I don't really need labels. I just see their mannerisms. Like if they keep eye contact with me when they are talking for most of the conversation, voice tone inflection, hand gestures and body language to show how into the conversation they are engaging with me.

I have had the stress stomach aches. It's like a churning feeling that can simply be described as unsettling and at unease. Granted it has to do a lot with the situation that one is in. Still it's one of those things that no matter hard you try to ignore you can't. Just try to think about something else. I personally can't eat like that. But that's just me.

A friend of mine plans on getting Arkham Asylum for his PS3. Go you lol