[695] In Roswell

awful dream last night. i barely got any sleep last night. and it took forever to fall back asleep. but then i finally did.. and i had another dream but it was a really weird one. I was best friends with liz parker from roswell. and i was going out with max evans... and liz was going out with micheal. and maria was going out with kyle. and isabel was going out with some really short guy. and we were all at school. and it was all futuristic. and we were all in the same classes. and then we were in a house. and it was me, max, and my brother. we were in my room or something and we were all about to go to sleep. and i dunno something happened. and i was upset and i started crying. my brother just went to sleep. and max asked if i wanted to leave. and i said yeah. but before we could go anywhere, we heard a car pull up. and isabel ran in and is screaming that they are coming to abduct her. and then these fbi people run in and take her away. haha its funny cuz my brother was asleep the whole time. and then i forget what happened.... o well. cool dream tho. Im hungry.
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