lil' bout' me

Listening to: sugar ray
Feeling: violated
Information from 1 till'.......whenever I stop. 1. favorite color : green/black 2. favorite weather :rainy, cloudy, gloomy 3. favorite type of music : rap 4. favorite subject : boys?..jk...history 5. favorite physical appearance of a guy: eyes 6. Best quality :sense of humor 7. favorite past time: computer...obviously 8. best friend: Emily 9. Biggest pet peeve : body consciouse girls 10. most embarrasing moment: like I'd tell you 11. favorite movie : too many to pick from 12. best quality: don't really care what anyone else thinks about me. 13. worst quality: getting annoyed with stupid girls 14. do I hang out with guys or girls more? : guys 15. favorite kind of food :Mexican 16. favorite day of the week: Thursday 17. favorite animal: 18. worst enemy: well...I don't want to name names 19. been kissed :yes 20. kissed someone; yes 21. favorite dessert: honey joys ( you've never had them...WHAT?) 22. nature or nintendo: nature 23. democrat or republican: republican (go us!) 24. childhood playtimes barbie or pirates: pirates..arrrggg! 25. do I believe in never never land?: definitley 26. if I could meet anyone in the world: Henry the I could give him a piece of my mind!
Read 2 comments
[continuation] that your point of view is totally fair and reasonable. Just keep these things in mind before you make all your huge decisions.

It's high school dating. Kisses happen. But if you don't want to, don't. Just don't look down on the rest of us with a holier-than-thou attitude because you think your decision is better than everyone else's.

Okay, that's my two cents...
I still love you, chelsea!!
Sorry, that comment that I just wrote was supposed to be a continuation of the one I wrote for the entry before this one. Oops.

And why Henry the VIX or whatever? What'd he do?