Listening to: matchbox 20
Feeling: reluctant
Hey guys......'s me Chelsea......
....not Sarah.....
.....although she may be writing every now and then.......
.....I will make sure that she tells you..
School...well..I had to end of level do that math (lol..that was actually one of them that I had to take....anyways)
It was all that could be worse...
I went to swimming..and to make a long story was a lot better...
Me and Kristen have been in this lame silent game...
......Through a whole bunch of miscommunications...I thought that she was mad..she thought that I was mad...but neither one of us was mad (don't you hate that?)
So anyways..she talked to me today..and we worked the whole thing out...I've missed her was such a relief to know that we were still friends....
she's awesome.... swimming...was good...I went home...did homework..went to Lees and then made a was great..
I had a really boring day..that means tomorrow has to be exciting!
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