Listening to: the Used-A Box Full Of Sharp Objects
Feeling: randy
They didn't have "passionate" for one of their annoying.
anyways..I have discovered that I absolutley taking pictures. Especially black and white pictures. Daddy bought me a camera a little while ago and I've taken about 20 rolls of film with that thing. Mostly in color....but *shrugs*. It's ok I guess.
It's thanksgiving..and we aren't having thanksgiving dinner until tomorrow. We were going to just to go Burger King or somewhere like that today.
But guess what?
All the stores are closed.....and so I had Macoroni and Cheese for dinner.
'happy thanksgiving'
Lets is now 3:10 in the afternoon and he still hasn't called. I guess I'm just going to sit home..or maybe me and Emily will go up in the canyon and take pictures and stuff. Since we both love taking and posing for them. That would be pretty awesome..maybe we could get Amy, and a bunch of other peope to come up with us as well.
*looks out the window*
IT'S SNOWING!!'s about needs to start snowing...sheesh..
I hate that.
When it's cold outside..but there is no snow. If it's going to be cold, there sure as heck better be snow on the ground.
*shiver* chocolate sounds good......
I talked to Teresa today. We both like sunrises more then we like sunsets. And we both like naps.
hmm...amy that cd you brought over has some really good music on it :)
Take care.
When I get my new digital, I'll do that. My usual one, needs some repairs. It took 15 rolls in like 2 months.
hey, it didn't quite work, i'll try again later, we are going shopping. cya