I can't tell if I'm getting better or worse.
I'm not crying as much.
But at the same time, when I cry..it's over something that I really care about. And at least I knows it's a big deal....
Not something lame like:
-I broke a nail.
-I had an argument with a friend.
-Or I didn't get a job and so-and-so.
I don't know.
I realize that just because I'm not crying as much doesn't mean that I don't care or feel the same as when he left, as when he always leaves me
.....I just....don't want to lose that feeling of wanting and loving something......someone so much that I do one of the things I hate most...
Most likely this just makes sense to me really, and i guess that's all that matters. It doesn't matter if no one else really understands..
Well no that's not true, but I know if he was here to converse..he would get it. He would understand.
He always understands. Even if I don't fully understand myself.
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