Listening to: none
Feeling: proud
I'm an odd #, and it feels great.
It's only 3rd hour, but so far I've had a fantabulous day. It's been filled with fun-ness and excitement.
Dr. Pepper and Swedish Fish go well together.
Thanks Dan! You're awesome.
2nd by far was the coolest hour of the day, so far. M came into my Seminary class and brought like the whole freaking band with her. They played Happy Birtday to me and she gave me flowers and a picture of us.
I love my best friend! are the coolest person in the whole world and I don't know what I would do without you.
I love you!
Hmm..I'm supposed to be looking up things on Chile Peppers, but I'm to lazy. Math test next hour...yeah, I'll pretty much just suck it up. It's ok though.
My excuse is that.
Today only come once a year and I'm going to enjoy and no stupid math test is going to ruin that.
I've been thinking about HIM. And I made a list of pros and cons.
12 pros.
14 cons.
It's a no go. I even tried to think of more pros, but they all turned out to be ridiulous on more then just one level.
It sucks, because I wish that I could like him the way that I used to.
oh well.
I am a good chaperone. I make sure they aren't doing anything bad but I still let them have a little fun. And sometimes I get a free movie or bowling or whatever out of it. : )
a whole year.
Are you and Guido still going to Venice?