
About damn time that I actually feel like I'm put together right. I'm not as bad off as I was the other week. I went shopping and now I'm better. I bought 7 dvds, a bag, panties, a shaver, cigarette case, and I'm going to buy some clothes when we catch up on bills. I want to buy a lot of blue jeans b/c I have all of two of them and two other pants. Grrr... I feel like a broke homeless person. It's lame. I just know I have my own shit. I've been having something on my mind. I think I can't get pregnant or maybe few times isn't enough. I want a baby so bad. I want to be pregnant, I want to feel the baby kick and move, and actually having the baby without anything. I want to have it natural b/c it's dangerous to have it otherwise. Just from what I've heard. Sharon is doing good. Although the baby is sick thanks to nasty sick people in the doctors office. I love the idea of her already having a child. But we always said that we'd have children together. At the same time so they could grow up together. It would be nice if her second one could be the same age or close to my first one. Don't worry that will be a while for both of us. I have to actually find someone that loves me. And right this second it doesn't look like anyone would give me the time of day. It's sad, I know.--
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hey hun! i know how u feel about a lot of these things... stay strong tho!
You used to have me, Ashley. At one point and time you had me around your finger, then decided to just drop me? So don't play the "I'm all alone" card....you did it to yourself.
Also, what other journal do I have?
Hi.. I think u know who this is. Am I missing somthing or what??? Ashley, I know I dont know you that well, but whats going on.

Do u think u need to talk with me or something..tell me b/c I really dont like when there is a problem between two people.

U want a baby? i think u should hold on....
awsome diary :-)