you're wondering whether or not you'd really die. you're wondering whether or not it'd hurt that bad. it looks cushioned enough. it doesnt really look that far down. the railing the barrier to life and what could be death. but you're really really wondering whether or not you'd really die. maybe just a spinal injury. and then you'd live. and then you'd be sent to some hospital where they will give you pills to be quiet. you'll buy jolly ranchers and write much too much. so many will wonder "why." especially the little boy who was down at the bottom. he'll ask you "why." he'll say he "saw you jump." but you were just testing gravity. testing death. testing life. testing God. they tell you you should never test God. but you're fucked anyways because you're dead. or are you? you're not sure. because you're still standing on edge of thoughts and theories.
you'll never "jump."
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