i dont really mean any of this, but
it's almost like i dont want to have friends anymore.
like it's a hassle, or annoying, or all i feel like doing is laying in my bed watching movies. the same movies, over and over again. but not really watching them. putting them on and ignoring them because i dont need to watch them anymore, i know them so well. i know them so very well.
all i feel like doing is day dreaming and wondering. wondering who's going to call me and when are they going to call me? i leave my room, i leave my cell phone places where i wont hear a phone call. i love missed calls. i love missed calls lately. i love missed calls more than received calls or text messages or voice-mails. i never return them either. barely ever do i return a missed call. i just like knowing someone tried to contact me, and then i like pretending i never knew.
i can't get to bed. i'm sure i could fall asleep when i want, but i always push it. it's almost three am, i'm still awake. still awake, sitting here in the dark, a movie on in the background. i woke up at two o'clock pm today. two o'clock.
i'm in a waste away zone
There's something in those movies you haven't seen yet. Look closer.
Because if I would've said that.
I would have meant it.
But even though I didn't say it.
I mean what you said.
Because it reflects myself in this moment.