My fingernails are dirty.

There's a woman sitting outside my apartment yelling at someone through the phone. She burped once. She's used the words Fuck, Slut, and Piece of Shit several times now. I'm sitting by my open door, curled up and out of sight, listening to her yell. Yesterday there was another woman yelling at someone through the phone. She was blonde as well. The lady outside my apartment is blonde. Maybe they like the thought of other people listening to their conversations, their woes, because in this small corner I can hear everything. She's coughing and gagging. I need to go down there and retrieve my laundry, but I think I'm going to wait a while. ...besides, I hate folding clothes.
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Blonde? This is surprising.
I was exploring my old journal...and I came across yours, and you still use it. that's great.

-Katie McCluer
[Anonymous (]