ardoramone: So tell me a story
bratgurlrocks: alright
ardoramone: Cool
bratgurlrocks: once upon a time there was a lonely renegade
bratgurlrocks: he didnt have the necessary friends
bratgurlrocks: he stumbled and staggered across the plains
bratgurlrocks: looking for a way for it to end
bratgurlrocks: and in his travels he passed a horse
bratgurlrocks: it was spotted and grinned at him softly
bratgurlrocks: he stopped his pace and glanced at it hopeful
bratgurlrocks: but just as soon as it grinned, just as quickly it trotted on another course
bratgurlrocks: and the lost outlaw turned his head and continued on
bratgurlrocks: wishing he could find what was right or wrong
bratgurlrocks: yet there was another disturber of the peace
bratgurlrocks: a wolf that went by the name of Swiftly Swift
bratgurlrocks: she snarled and sneered, not letting him near
bratgurlrocks: so the tarnished ruffian soldiered on, wanting to discover
bratgurlrocks: a long lost song
bratgurlrocks: by now it was dusk, by now it was night
bratgurlrocks: he curled up beneath the stars
bratgurlrocks: wishing he didnt wish for light
bratgurlrocks: just as soon as he began to sleep
bratgurlrocks: he heard the creeping of a monstrous beast
bratgurlrocks: it was the Lion who took no one prisoner
bratgurlrocks: a creature composed of daggers and knives
bratgurlrocks: twisting out of it's drooling mouth and paws
bratgurlrocks: this grotesque figure never listened to the laws
bratgurlrocks: our forlorn misfit thought maybe he found the answer
bratgurlrocks: the end to all his wanderings and wonder
bratgurlrocks: so he stood up and raised his arms
bratgurlrocks: shouting as loud as the Lion's roar
bratgurlrocks: foot steps came racing, the sound of thunder
bratgurlrocks: and our lost lonely tarnished forlorn boy became free
bratgurlrocks: he grinned and ran swift and composed his own journey
bratgurlrocks: and that's the end of this short story
ardoramone: Forlorn
ardoramone: Was used twice
then he grinned like the horse, ran swift like the wolf, and composed his own journey like the lion's daggers and knives.
a finale, rather.
am i difficult?..