Questions and Answers

Feeling: bored
1. Name: Flertkilla (Danielle) 2. Psychopathic only or Like tons of music ?: Mostly Psychopathic but I like other Metal and shit 3. When was the last time you had sex?: about 3 months (I'm pregnate, so not 2 much sex now) 4. What color underwear do you have on right now: none 5. What song are you listening to now?: Reverse by: Kryoburn 6. What was the last thing that you did?: Write in my Sitdiary 7. What is right next to you?: my remote controal & TV 8. What is your computer desk made of?: Wood 9. Who was the last person you ate out with?: (I sux, no dates) My grandparents 11. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: A mixture between black, purple, and lime green 12. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: Shangri-La (lol) 13. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: My child, Louie & my hommie Toy 14. Do you have a lava lamp?: yeah it's broke tho (cheep shit!) 15. How many buddies do you have on your list?: 2 on Aol, 5 on Yahoo, and about 10 on sitdiary 16. How's the weather right now?: a lil hot 17. Have you ever smoked pot?: yeah twice 18. What color are your sheets?: lime green 19. Last person that you talked to on the phone?: My Juggalette Hommie Toy (Bailey) 20. Are you a commie-nazi?: What tha FUCK isa commie-nazi? I'm a Juggalette bitch! Reckognize! 21. Who do you most admire?: All real Los and Lettes & Ann Rice, (my fav. author) 23. Do you like the person that sent this to you?: i dont know them 24. What is your dream pet?: A lost soul 25. How do you eat an Oreo?: I lick tha middle out baby! 26. Fave M&M: ? orange 27. Dream Car?: fuck a car! I wanna dragon bitch! 28. Favorite Day of the week?: Friday or Saturday 29. Perfect Date?: At home on my bed, smokin Newports and listnin to Psychopathic music, & sex 30. Age?: 15 31. Eye Color?: Blue 32. Hair color?: Died black, brown, sliver, red, and bland (I think that's all) 33. Height?: 5'3 34. Do you wear contacts?: No I have sexy teacher glasses 35. Do you have braces?: No 39. If you could change one thing about you, what would it be?: I fall in love too easly 40. What was the best advice ever given to you and from whom?: Cant think of it 41. What was the best pick up line someone has said to you, and whom?: Don't Know 42. Have you ever won any special awards?: Yeah, for my poetry 44. Favorite food?: anything mexican & Faygo 45. Fave movie?: Interview with a Vampire 46. Fave day of year?: Halloween or my B-day 47. Fave month?: October 48. Fave girls perfume?: Anything cheep that smells good lol 49. Favorite Shampoo/Conditioner?: some kinda cocanut shit 50. Fave guys cologne?: Axe phinox or tuch 51. What kind of car do you drive?: I walk lol 52. What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?: Sleep, smoke Newports, hang wid friends, sex 53. Do you like to dance?: Kinda 54. What's your favorite Drink?: Blueberry Faygo 55. What's your favorite ALCOHOLIC drink?: Smirnoff Ice, Watermellion Jack Danels 56. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: No, I get who I want 57. If you could change your name, what would it be?: Flertkilla 59. Do you sleep naked?: Sometimes 60. Have you ever ran around naked?: Yeah, all tha time! lol 61. Have you ever been in love?: Yes, but not now & probably never again...I hate getin hurt by luv 62. What is the stupidest thing you've ever done?: I've done LOTS of stupid things... 65. Are your parents together or divorced?: divorced 66. Do you like scary or happy movies better?: I like Dramas mostly, but I love scarry too! 67. On the phone or in person?: Person 68. Night or day?: Night 69. Summer or winter?: Both 70. Lust or Love?: Love and then lust 71. Kisses or hugs?: Both 72. If you could go any where, where would it be?: Louisinna, Russia, Egypt ______________________________________________ In the last 24 Hours have you... 1. Had sex: I fuckin wish! 2. Bought something: Hell no! I'm a broke bitch lol 3. Gotten sick: No 4. Sang: Yell ya, ICmothafuckinP! 5. Been kissed: I wish! 6. Ate something: hell yeah, I don't stop eating (Pregnate) 7. Felt stupid: I don't think so 8. Talked to an ex: No, I wish I had somefuckinbody to talk to though damnet! 9. Missed someone: I am always missing Kenndal, and Bailey ______________________________________________ Last person who.... 1. Slept in your bed: besides me...ewww...Mark 2. Saw you cry : Bailey 3. Made you cry: Kenndal 4. Went to the movies with: Kenndal 5. You went to the mall with: Kenndal ______________________________________________ Have You Ever... 1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: I mean it too fuckin much! 2. Got in a fight with your pet: I play fight wid my kitty alot! lol 3. Been to California: No...I wish 4. Been to Mexico: No 6. Been to Canada: No 7. Been to Europe: Damn! I ain't been no where! _____________________________________________ Random..... 1. Do you have a crush on someone: Lots of people lol 2. What book are you reading now: The Vampire Lestat by Ann Rice for the 10th time! 3. Worst feeling in the world: Having the (ONE) leave forever without explanation 4. Future KIDS names: Louie 5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Sometimes 6. What's under your bed: My poetry and diaries 7. Favorite sports to watch: None...well, maybe Racing 8. Location: Hell 9. Piercing/Tattoos: Pearced ears and soon to be tatoo on back 10. Do you drink: When I'm not pregnate 11. What are you most scared of right now: I'd rather not say 12.Where do you want to get married: Anywhere but a fuckin church! 13. Who do you really hate: Way too many people to fuckin count! 14. Do you have a job: I'm a Mommy, that's a job right??? 15. Do you like being around people: Not usually...only Bailey and Louie 16. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with? Alwayz 17. Have you ever cried: Alwayz 18. Are you lonely right now: Alwayz 19. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: Doorbell by The White Stripes (that shit won't get out!) 21. Played strip poker: Gotta love it! I alwayz have wild parties! 22. Gotten beaten up: Sure 23.Done an all-nighter: ummm.....Most of the time. 24. Been on radio/TV: Yo do skool plays count on tha local chanel??? lol 25. Been in a mosh-pit: I wish. 26. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: yeah...and I'm bi 27. Was this worth your time: ummm, well I am bored so why not?
Read 4 comments
Aye, I've been labeled goth soooo many times, I swear, I thought I was some kinda soup can, but you is juggalette! Yay to ICP!!!

Araya xoxoxox
wow, your due in December? Comming up soon huh. Cool. Hope everything goes well!!!

No your hair is pink!!!or was pink!!!!