
Listening to: Slipknot-My Plaque
Feeling: torn
Hey everyone! So...I'm feeling a whole lot better now. I'm happy because today when I went to the Dr. office my blood pressure was realy good and they said that I don't have to come back tomorrow...which means that now I have a chance to have Louie on time instead of early! I am sooo...happy because I wuz so fuckin scaired when they told me that I would have to have Louie Friday if my blood pressure wouldn't go down. I was thinking all kinds of things like: wut if his loungs arn't developed yet?, and what if he;s realy sick? I was so scaired, but I am deffently glad that it's over now. And after all tha shit some good came out of it because now I'm drinking my water everyday like I'm supose to...or at least trying harder at it. Well I'm at school and tha bell is about to ring...so I promise more updates latter! Much love to everyone!
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We've "just talked" tooo many times...and I'm done. But thankyou muches.
And congrats on Louie...prebies are a scary thing to deal with.
i can fuckin wait either...you shud go..lol...its goin to be fuckin great...im goin to mosh forever!! lol...no but i cant wait to mosh,me and my friend amber always get out there if no one start so it goin to be fun..

aw..thats great..im happy for you..when are you havein him?????

awe! congrats babe!!!
i deffitly wanna see pics of the both of u after u hav him!!!
hang in there i kno u can :-)
<3 Jade