I SUX!!!

Feeling: insatiable
Okay....realy weard shit happening!!! I've fallen so completly in love with two guys that I can NEVER have! Your probably gonna laugh ur ass off about both of them, but oh well, fuck you too! Okay, the first one even proves that I'm more than juzt a lil mental. I'm in love with a fuckin tv character!!! I mean realy in fuckin love with Spinner from Degrassi! That is sooo...pathetic. I mean I though it was bad when I fell in love with the characters from my books, but this is bad! The other guy...well I can't mention. I would feel soooo...fuckin stupid for saying it, and then I also might fuck up a friendship with him, and I deffently wouldn't wanna do that! Cuz I'm almost completly certin that he dosen't feel the same way about me. I'm fuckin scared that even writing this much that he will be able to figure out who he is, so I'll juzt stop talking about it now...I mean I've never even seen him be4 anywayz. Damn life sux! I thinx I'm about to pass out! I'm tired as hell, and all I wanna do is cry for some weard reason. I had another realy bad nightmare about Kenndal again last night, and my day hasen't gone too much better, besides me "talking" with this guy that I like...but that kinda sux too 'cuz I kno even if he did like me it couldn't work cuz we would never see eachother. Oh well...I need to go get something to eat, and maybe try to call Bailey again, so I can talk to her about some shit. Pic. of Spinner (Sexyiest guy alive!)
Read 9 comments
Thanks hun. I do feel better, me and this person talked and things are better, cept I am mega sick today...O_o



whas up im on now. and im pissed and messed up on some pills. this girl and everybody else have pissed me off.
still here...
lmfao i know right.....its ok bout that whole spinner thing cuz yea i have that with vince vaughn and all my friends make fun of me its great.
¢¾ ica
There is nothing wrong with being on love with characters in books and movies. If there is no one good enough for you available why not live in fantasy land. You go girl!!! Hahaha have a good one.
aww, thanks, lol. I don't think I am fat but when you see all these mega skinny girls saying they are fat...it tends to get to me, lol.

Thanks hun!

lol yup thats right well i know..... but thats y its going to be hard to leave because chris isnt like everyone else lol
yo chick im goin home now in a minute so i will call you tonight and you can call me whenever
haha, me? sexi? why thank you!
