Recovering...I Guess

Listening to: none
Feeling: alone
So..., I'm at school again and have nothing to do. I guess I'm recovering from this whole thing with Nicole, but I don't realy know. I still love her more than anyone right now, but this pain is still juzt too great. My B-day is comming up on October 2nd, and Nicole's is on October 5th, so I'm thinkin I'm gonna call her. I eve3n though about byeing her a ring for her B-day. I know I'm pathetic, but I can't help it. I love her so fuckin much, I juzt don't understand why she does this shit to me. I juzt feel like I would do anything to get back with her right now. She's soooo...fuckin beautiful, and it's like everytime I'm around her it's like nothing could ever go wrong. I don't wanna juzt be friends with her though. I mean realy I don't think that I can. I can't deal with not touching her and holding her hand and kissing her. I can't be another fuckin Codie to her. She has him, and he's her bitch. I can't be her bitch. That's juzt not the way I work. I mean, yes, I worship her, but not in the way that Codie does. He does it stupidly. He'll let her walk all over him, when I can only take so much. I juzt wanna fuckin see her again and hear her voice tell me that she loves me. I juzt want her to love me the way I love her!
Read 7 comments
honey, i've been there.. actually i was recently there.. i guess all i can say is.. move in with her! lol.. sorry.. thats what i did.. and now we're together.. but seriously.. i think you two just need to talk things out and see what happens.. im here for ya girly..
aww, thanks hun. Yeah, I laugh at what she is saying to me, lmao. Whatever though, she can kiss my A*S*S!!!

huh, see how the motherfucking world treats two nice girls...fucking fucking fucking fucks....even you're feeling lonely...let go of her darling...if she keeps doing that stuff to you, she's not good enough for your wonderful love, Sure, it's a shock, but we have to accept it, luv ya

Araya xoxox
haha, I have the most friends? Really?


Maybe me and Robert can come see you.... Maybe Friday? Or when will be good for you?--
Ohhhh!! I really like ur layout!!!
Hey hun....I can't get high, otherwise I'll have to face rehab, at that rotten place in thailand, It's got a reputation for being the most brutal...
But anyway, I hope everything's ok

Araya xoxox