First Time

last weekend Amanda + I went to the movies. or, so we told our parents. her boyfriend picked us up and drove us to Dylan's house where Elijah asked me if I would make out with him I did it got intense or he thought it did so he unbuckled his pants and the zipper went down and my heart started racing i was not about to give this boy a handjob so i quietly said "I thought we were just going to make out" "'reright.sorry" so we kissed and he left and didn't speak to me at all amanda + i got a ride back to the movie theater to get picked up by her dad she steered the car i sat in the back praying screaming wishing she would stop but she didn't i almost died a few times with all the swerving but luckily jeff's a good driver anyway nobody knew our parents at least until last night when my mom found a note i wrote to tara sunday she was pissed she told my dad but not the whole story she left out the part that i wasn't at the movies like i said because he had said if i wasn't there i would be grounded for a year. i don't get grounded. she told him later and he didn't ground me she's not telling amanda's parents because she knows amanda would be killed i love my parents so much more than i ever thought i would my mom says she doesn't want to be a hypocrite because she used to do the same things but it's just so hard to face them and still be respected they know i told him no but they don't want me to get a reputation they think i have too much going for me which is total bullshit if it was true i wouldn't think of suicide i wouldn't have let him make out with me because i wouldn't be a slut this is too much i'm glad i still get to go to the concert tomorrow.
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thats good that you didnt get grounded.