Listening to: tv
Feeling: achy
goodness gracious, how long has it been?! 8 days...well it feels longer. since my last attempt at commentation has failed, and since i dont feel like re-reading those comments, im not gonna answer the questions. a lots happened since i last updated. well actually now that i think about it, nothings happened. my grandparents are here and i missed them so much. every time i stand or sit, my back hurts...i need to see a doctor, and theres a whole bunch of stuff bothering me, but i wont get into that cuz its not gonna help anything to get down over stupid things. but the 1 hting i will complain about it the fact that i went to china night for food, and they didnt have any. man i was so pissed about that. a girl waits all day for some dumplings and noodles and psh there arent any. what a world. people suck, when they dont IM u to be cool. yea, u people suck. and u know who u are cuz ur the people who suck. lacorsse is miserable, i cant wait for field hockey..even though i probably wont even be able to play during the yearcuz of stupid summer scheduling mishaps. i need help for my poetry journal and im gonna bomb the asia test. i think that about pretty much covered everything.
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