Listening to: ac/dc - dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Feeling: old
not much to say..things are ok. im in ohio with my fam. i love them so much. sometimes, i think that i dont need anyone else other than them. of course im usually thinking that when im not actually WITH them. but you know. thanksgiving preparations are underway. before, it used to confuse me why my family, as immigrants, celebrate thanksgiving more than american-born citizens, but now i understand. i think that my family doesnt take living in america for granted, whereas, people who have lived here all their lives have nothing to compare it to, and they dont see anything great about it. its nothing bad, im not blaming anything on anyone. jeez, dont get all defensive on me now peeps. i know thats what you guys like to do.
my mom and i talked about my "wedding" today. we talked about how stupid weddings are, and how married couples are the same as people just living together...excpt for the rights and everything. its not like you love the other person more once theres a ring on your finger. and anyway, gay people cant really get married, and theyre just the same as married people if they want to be. and plus, i kinda feel bad for my future wedding guests. its got to be incredibly boring if youre there as family. you dont really know anyone except your family members who youre sick of by that time. so my mom and i decided that we're gonna get everyone really drunk during the reception, before theres time for any awkward silences and boring conversation. the russian party-ness will ensue. wow. this is such a boring entry. weddings are so boring. the only exciting part is the honeymoon...and thats not even fun for the guests because they dont get to come. and if u let your wedding guests come to your honeymoon, shame on you. thats disgusting.
im craving turkey stuffing right now. what holiday spirit! i wish you could rent a pilgrim for thanksgiving. just so he (or need to discriminate) could sit at the head of the table and make everything feel authentic.
my hair smells really good right now. i dig it.
i wish i lived in the 70's or 80's. i dont like where we are right now. at least before, things were moving forward. music, science, all that. now, i feel like we're not going anywhere. we're just stuck in the same place. ok i'll admit, i dont really know whats goin on with science right now, but the music industry is at a stand-still. save a few singers/bands, nothing really GREAT has come out of the 90's..ok maybe nirvana and the like. but a boom of music like there was before? i dont think so. maybe im completely ignorant and dont know what im talking least i'll admit that..but its how i feel right now. can you honestly picture someone 20 years for now saying: "i wish i lived during the time of justin timberlake. he was so talented." fuck NO.
maybe im not used to it, but now that my family is together, they fight a lot about politics. it really scares me. i know its natural, but they get so worked up there are veins popping out all over the place out of frustration. i just sit there and say nothing or hide under the table or start making weird noises to make them all shut up. i dont know what else to say. my body has this weird effect that when it gets cold, it turns kinda camouflagey in the sense that it..different colors...ok never mind.