Listening to: virgin suicides soundtrack
Feeling: content
i love mailmen, theyre always so friendly. i was just walking home, and the mailman was putting stuff into mailboxes as usual, and we did the normal, "how are you, etc..." thing, and i just love friendly people. the downside is that i dont know if hes being fake friendly. hes probably being nice because he wants our xmas money. whatever, i like fake friendly people anyway. but that got me thinking, why do we always say "how are you blah blah" all the time. i know its polite and everything, but we dont normally say that to people we're close with, and its not like the people we say it to are gonna reply with "IM DOING TERRIBLE! I HATE MY LIFE! I HATE YOU! KILL YOURSELF" or something to that extent. i wish we could just greet people with HEY and leave it at that. because even online, whats up...NOTHING MUCH, YOU? that gets annoying. oh well, i guess i do it too. baby carrots are sooo good. i wish i could be a farmer just so i can continue to supply the world with the wonders that are Baby Carrots. daaaamn homie. and i want the plans for this weekend to work out, if not anything else, im almost positive that im gonna see laurrita! oh yeah, quote of the day: Columbus had some brass quehones (say it..kay-hone-ays) tee hee. i saw mark this weekend. its always nice to see your first friend every once in a while. i like his new house, and (thank god) new haircut. sorry markoosha, the hair HAD to go. anyway, many stories were shared, his brother is and always will be my little secret older brother crush. seriously, he's beuaitful, and jewish, and speaks russian, and smart. come on now. its so unfair. all of my moms friends' sons are gorgeous. the one in germany, those 2 in boston, the one in ocean, and that kid in fairlawn or some shit like that. oh and today i get to find out if i can still be on the team. my lazy ass. jeezeez. paYce out nuggas.
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