Listening to: ana\'s song
Feeling: schizophrenic
there were times when i was really down...but i still had certain people that were constantly there, and always understanding etc. etc. etc. now im even beginning to question the stability of these people. one person in particular has got me really down. i dont know why...but for the last month this person has been so mean for absolutely no reason..and i might be morphing into a doormat all over again. or a trashcan. where people can throw all their anger and meenie-ness into. my metaphors are ass-kicking. i think i might be becoming sensitive and "EMOTIONAL" (ew)...and if this is the case, i really dont like it. so to all you assholes, stop ass-holing. because its really not fair, and uncalled for. its times like these i really wish i had the emotional capacity of a man. i think i did at one point. until i started to care about all these people again. and it all came so suddenly.
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